
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 3 First Greater Sin: Shirk (Polytheism) All the good qualities of the creatures are from the Creator (Allah (S.w.T.))

All the good qualities of the creatures are from the Creator (Allah (S.w.T.))

All the good qualities of the creatures are from the Creator (Allah (S.w.T.))

To consider all the good qualities of the created to be from Allah (S.w.T.), the creator, is true Tawhid. It is our belief that all the qualities possessed by the Prophets and the Imams (a.s.) were given to them by Allah (S.w.T.)’s Grace. They did not come to acquire any of these qualities on their own. Rather Allah (S.w.T.) bestowed upon them superior knowledge, character, power and perfect morals and exalted their position.

Consequently all that exists has not come into existence on its own. But everything is dependent upon the Creator of the Universe. All the good qualities have also been given to them by Allah (S.w.T.). If Allah (S.w.T.) so desires, He increases their good qualities and gives them sustenance.


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