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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 2 Greater Sins and Smaller Sins It is Necessary to Refer to the Holy Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.)

It is Necessary to Refer to the Holy Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.)

It is Necessary to Refer to the Holy Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.)

It may be mentioned here that another subject also dealt with briefly in the Qur’an but elaborated by the Holy Prophet (S) and the Imams (a.s.) concerns the absolute authority of the Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) as the representatives of Allah (S.w.T.) upon the Earth, to teach and demonstrate to mankind the laws of Allah (S.w.T.) about the right and the wrong.

Allah the Almighty Himself says:

 “And We have revealed to you the Reminder that you may make clear to men what has been revealed to them, and that haply they may reflect.”

(Surah an-Nahl 16:44)

 Allah (S.w.T.) makes it obligatory for the people to refer to the Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.). He orders in the Holy Qur’an:

 “So ask the followers of the Reminder if you do not know.”

(Surah an-Nahl 16:43)

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