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Deprived of Divine Rewards (Tawāb)

Deprived of Divine Rewards (Tawāb)

He who commits a minor sin is deprived of the Tawāb, he would have deserved, had he abstained from it. Also every sinful act has some evil repercussion or the other; so it happens that one who repeatedly commits minor sins slowly becomes susceptible to the Greater ones. On the other hand, he who refrains from such acts becomes the recipient of Allah (S.w.T.)’s blessings. Besides he who avoids Greater Sins has his minor sins spontaneously forgiven. Thus one who persists in minor sins will be doubly unfortunate. He will not derive the Tawāb that is reserved for avoiding these sins -and secondly he will be disqualified from Allah (S.w.T.)’s forgiveness for these sins.

This idea has been presented in the following tradition from the Masūm (a.s.):

“May Allah forgive the sins of the sinners. These people have surely been deprived of the Tawāb of good deeds.”


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