
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Fourth Tradition

Fourth Tradition

 In the UyÅ«n al-Akhbār ar-Riďa (a.s.) there is a tradition quoted by Fazl Ibn Shazān. He quotes from reliable authorities that Imam Riďa (a.s.) wrote to Mamun a letter prohibiting the following sinful acts, as they were Greater Sins:

 1)      To kill those whose murder is prohibited by Allah (S.w.T.).

2)      Adultery.

3)      Stealing.

4)      Drinking of Wine.

5)      To disobey the parents.

6)      Fleeing from the battlefield (in Jihad).

7)      Usurping property of the orphans.

8)      Eating dead animals (animals not slaughtered in the Islamic way) blood and pigs without any compulsion.

9)      Accepting usury when it is obvious.

10)  Consuming prohibited (Harām) wealth.

11)  Gambling.

12)  Cheating in business by under-weighing.

13)  To accuse chaste women of adultery.

14)  Homosexuality.

15)  To despair of the Mercy of Allah (S.w.T.).

16)  Not fearing the Divine retribution.

17)  Not acknowledging the bounties of Allah (S.w.T.).

18)  Cooperating with oppressors.

19)  To associate with the oppressors.

20)  Taking a false oath.

21)  To obstruct the rights (of someone) without (any valid reason or compulsion).

22)  Lying.

23)  Pride (arrogance).

24)  Squandering wealth.

25)  Expenditure in ways not permitted by Allah (S.w.T.).

26)  To betray trust.

27)  To consider Hajj of the Holy Kabā unimportant.

28)  To fight the friends (devotees) of Allah (S.w.T.).

29)  To enjoy vain poccupations (like music).

30)  To persist in sins.

 Insha’Allah these traditions shall be explained at the appropriate places.

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