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Devotion for ‘Ali (a.s.) Consumes Our Sins

Devotion for ‘Ali (a.s.) Consumes Our Sins

The love and devotion for Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s.) destroys one’s sins as is proved by the numerous reports. Bihār al-Anwār has the following tradition related from the Holy Prophet (S) by Ibn Abbas (r.a.):

“Love of ‘Ali (a.s.) consumes the sins like fire consumes wood.”

 There is a Persian ‘Qata’ (four-line poem) which summarises this discussion as follows:

The love of ‘Ali (a.s.) removes the darkness of the heart like the moon and the stars illuminate the night. Salvation will be based on ones love for him and not ones worship deeds.

But those who are his devotees, must also rely upon the Merciful (God). We should not be satisfied only with this devotion and forget Allah (S.w.T.).


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