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Good Deeds Without Faith

Part 2 

Good Deeds Without Faith


 It has become clear that, first of all, our discussion has a general aspect, and we don’t want to pass decisions about individuals.

 Second, our discussion is not about whether the true religion is one or several; rather, we have accepted that the true religion is one and that all are obligated to accept it.

Third, our discussion is this: if a person, without accepting the true religion, performs a deed which the true religion considers good, does that person receive a reward for that good deed or not?

 For example, the true religion has emphasized doing good to others.  This includes cultural services like establishing schools, places of learning, writing, and teaching; health services like medicine, nursing, establishing sanitary establishments, and so forth; social services such as mediating disputes, helping the poor and disabled, supporting the rights of the exploited, fighting the exploiters and oppressors, assisting the deprived, establishing justice which is the aim and goal of the Prophets’ mission, providing the means of satisfaction for the broken-hearted and misfortunate, and such like.  Every religion and every Prophet has enjoined these things.  In addition, the reasoning and conscience of each individual rules that these things are good and worthy.

 Now, we ask whether a non-Muslim is rewarded if he or she performs such services.  The true religion says to be trustworthy and not lie; if a non-Muslim acts in accordance with this principle, will he or she be rewarded or not?  In other words, is it equal with respect to a non-Muslim to be trustworthy or treacherous?  Are adultery and prayers equal with respect to him or her?  This is the issue that we wish to discuss.

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