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Amir ul-Mominin Ali (A.S) said,

"The earth shall never be devoid of the Divine Proof, He may be apparent and prominent or he may be concealed and hidden. And it is because of him that the proofs and signs of Allah are not wasted."

(Kamaaluddin, Pg.291)

 Imam Ja'far Sadeq (A.S) said,

"The (Divine) Proof was existing before creation (of other things), during creation and after creation".

(Kamaaluddin, Pg.231.232)

Censure of Disbelief in Imam Mahdi (A.S)

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said,

"One who disbelieves in the Qaem from my sons, disbelieves in me."

(Kamaaluddin, Pg.412)

The Holy Prophet (P.B..U.H&H.P) said:

"The Qaem is from my Progeny (sons). His name is my name. And his Kunniyat (agnomen) is my agnomen. And his appearance is (like) my appearance. And his behavior is (like) my behavior. He will establish among the people my practice and my shariat. And he will call them towards the book of his Lord, the High and the Mighty. One who obeys him has obeyed me. And one who denies his 'Ghaibat' has denied me."

(Kamaaluddin, Pg.411)

Free from Allegiance of Every Tyrant

Amirul Mominin  (A.S) said:

"Certainly', when the Qaem from among us shall arise, he will not have the allegiance of any one upon his neck. It is for this reason that his birth is secret and his person is in Ghaibat."

(Kamaaluddin . Pg.303)

 It must be mentioned that all of our Imams had to pledge allegiance to every tyrant ruler except for a short period during the rule of Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz. This was because, on the face of it, it would seem that they are not against the ruler, In this way they could protect Islam. In the absence of popular support, the Imams were left alone and thus they entered into an understanding with the rulers. Thus even Imam Hossain (A.S) for a particular period did not find it necessary to revolt against the regime of Muawiyya.

Test of the People

Imam al Kazim (A.S) said:

"My son ! when the fifth descendant of the seventh of the Imams is not visible to you ! It is when Allah will test your belief. Ghaibat is inevitable for the Master of this affair. Till the time when the religion is completely transformed, and only a few people will have belief in him. My son! That Ghaibat, It is a trial through which Allah, the Almighty tests His servants."

(Ghaibat-e-Toosi Pg.166 & 337. Al Kafi vol.1 Pg.336. Kamaaluddin  Pg.359 and 360. Kifayatul Asar Pg.264-265)

Weakness and Lack of Co-operation of the People

Imam Mahdi (A.S) said:

"If our Shias; May Allah help them in His obedience; would have fulfilled their covenant with united hearts then there would have been no delay in our meeting, and they would have been blessed with our visitation at the earliest, along with the recognition of truth and confirmation of our rights."

(Al Ihtejaj vol.2 Pg.602)

Benefits of Imam Mahdi (A.S) During His Ghaibat

Imam Mahdi (A.S) said:

"As for deriving benefit from me in my occupation, (it) is like deriving benefit from the sun when it hides behind the clouds."

(Kamaaluddin  Pg.485. Ghaibat-e-Toosi Pg.292)

Favours of Imam Mahdi (A.S) Upon His Shias

Imam Mahdi (A.S) says:

"Surely, we do not neglect your condition nor are we forgetful of your remembrance. Had it not been so, then, terrible calamities would have struck you and your enemies would have destroyed you."

(At Ihtejaj vol.2 Pg.598)

Awaiting For the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

 The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said:

"The best worship is to await for the reappearance."

(Kamaaluddin  Pg.287, Faraidus Simtain vol.2 Pg.335)

Amirul Mominin Ali (A.S) said:

"Await for the reappearance and do not despair of the divine mercy. Because the best deed in the eyes of Allah, the Great and the Mighty is to wait for the Reappearance. It is the duty of those who are believers."

(Al Khisaal vol.2 Pg.616)

Be prepared for being among the Helpers of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

"0 you who believe! Be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, that you may be successful". (Ale Imran 3:200)

Hazrat Imam Baqer (A.S) explains the commentary of this verse:

"Have patience in fulfilling the religious obligations, Excel in patience in facing your enemies. And be in contact with your Imam who is awaited".

(Ghaibat-e-Nomani. pg.27, Yanabiul Mawadda pg.421)

In Service of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

Imam Ja'far as Sadeq (A.S) said:

"If I am able to reach him, I shall serve him for my whole life."

(Ghaibat-e-Nomani Pg.245)

Religiousness during the Occultation of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said:

"O Ali know that the most strangest of the people of faith and the greatest of them in certainty are those people who will be in Aakheruzzamaan (the last period of time). They will not meet the Prophet. And their Imam will be hidden from them. But they will believe (only) due to black upon white."

(Kamaaluddin  Pg.288)

The "black upon white" means the writings on paper. It means that these people will believe in the Quran and the sunnat as recorded in the books, even though they may not see their Imam (A.S).

Longing For Imam Mahdi (A.S)

 Hazrat Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S) said, regarding his son Imam Mahdi (A.S):

"And know that! Those who are obedient and pious will rush towards him like the birds head for their nests."

(Kamaaluddin  Pg.448)

Sorrow and Grief of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

Imam Reza (A.S) said:

"The most pious of believing men and women are those who are sorrowful for the (time of) flowing water (Imam Mahdi (A.S))"

Flowing water indicates that it is a part of the ayat: "Say! Have you considered if your water should go down, who is if then that will bring you flowing water?"

(Sura Al Mulk 67:30)

According to Imam as-Sadeq (A.S) "the flowing water" in this Ayat means Hazrat Mahdi (A.S). Hence the exegesis of this Ayat is as follows:

"Say, if your Imam (A.S) goes into ghaibat, who is it that will bring back your Imam to you. Who, like a gushing spring will teach you what is haraam and what is halal, and quench you thirst with good tidings (news) of the sky and the earth."

(Refer Kamaaluddin Pg.325-326)

Weeping For Imam Mahdi (A.S)

Imam Ja'far as Sadeq (A.S) said:

"Know him ! The one who would be hidden from you in your time until it would be said, He is dead! He is killed! He has gone into wilderness. And the eyes of the believers will be tearful."

(Ghaibat-e-Nomani Pg.152. 153)

Praying For The Early Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

Imam Mahdi (A.S) says:

"And pray more for an early reappearance. For certainly, in it, is your success."

(Kamaaluddin  Pg.485, Ghaibat-e-Toosi pg.292-293)

Advent of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said:

"Even if a single day remains for the day of judgment, Allah will send a man from my Ahlulbait. He will fill the earth with justice just like it is filled with tyranny."

(Sunan Abu Dawood vol.4 Pg.107)

Universal Government of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said:

"My Caliphs are my legatees and the proofs of Allah upon the creatures, after me they are twelve. The first of them is my brother and the last of them is my (grand) son."

He was asked:

"0 Prophet of Allah, which brother of yours"

He replied:

"Ali Ibn Abu Talib"

Again he was asked:

"And which Son?"

He said,

"Al Mahdi is the one who will fill the earth with justice and equity just like it had been filled with injustice and tyranny. I swear by the one who has sent me as the giver of good tidings, even is a single day remains for the world (to end), Allah shall prolong that day till he sends (to it) my son Mahdi. Then Ruhullah (spirit) Isa Ibn Maryam will descend and perform prayers behind him. The earth shall be illuminated by his radiance and his authority shall stretch from the east to the west."

(Faraidus Simtam vol.2 Pg.312)

Merits of the Rule of Imam Mahdi (A.S)

 Amirul Mominin Ali (A.S) said:

"He will direct desires towards (the path of) guidance while people will have turned guidance towards desires, and he will turn their views to the direction of the Quran while the people will have turned the Quran to their views."

(Nahjut Balagha, sermon no, 138)

 According to the submission of Ibn Abil Hadid, this saying refers to Hazrat Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) (Sharhe Nafyul Balagha vol.9. Pg.40)


Taken from: Portal to islamic knowledge



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