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72-The Philosophy Of The Mourning Ceremonies

WE BELIEVE that the mourning ceremonies, for the martyrs, specially the MARTYRS OF KARBALA will serve to maintain the monument of such dear ones, and keep us aware of their self sacrifices for the

sake of God and Isalm.

In some occasions, particularly the first ten days of Moharram, the period in which Imam Hussain and his faithful companions were cruelly martyred, we perfom the mourning ceremonies. We explain their aims, and express our deep regards for them and by that infuse new blood in our veins.

In the year; H.61, YAZID a sinful man and a stranger with Islam, succeeded the throne of Islamic caliphate.

When he asked Imam Hussain to take the oath of allegiance, Imam refused to swear fealty. Yazid insisted and Imam rejected and left Mecca for Iraq. In KARBALA, Imam and his seventy two companions and household were surrounded by a great many troops of YAZID. Imam and his companions defended their attacks and fought their enemies boldly to their last breathe. All the men, (Imam Hussain and his companions) were martyred, and their women and children were taken captives. Soon ofter that the blood of Imam boiled and stirred strange EXCITEMENTS among his contemporary Muslims. Groups revolted in

turn, aiming at vengeance for the blood shed. These frequent revolutions gave an end to the nasty life of the Omayid dynasty. All the revolting groups had but one slogan: "VENGEANCE FOR IMAM'S BLOODSHED."

to day the rise and martyrdom of Imam Hussain is a pattern and a programme in our daily life to make us stand firmly against any oppression and cruelty.

Some of our slogans that were taken from Imam Hussain's bloody History like:_ "FAR BE ABJECTIONS FROM US" or:_ "LIFE IS FAITH AND ENDEAVOUR" have been of immense use in our past and present, urging us not to undergo any unjustified demand or oppressions.

To brief our word here, paying regards to the reminiscence of the great martyrs of KARBALA, and else, will infuse new blood of valiance, bravery and self_sacrifice into our veins and will teach us how to live an honourable and proud life, and this is why we try to revive the reminiscence of our martyrs by renewing the mourning ceremonies every year better than the past.

Strangers may not know what we do and what are we driving at, by doing that. They think it over as a mere historical incident that must have been forgotten and covered with the dust of age: but we do know its importance and effect in our past and present history.

It is written in all the famous Islamic histories that:_ "after the battle of OHOD the prophet passed near a house from which the sounds of mourning and wailing for the martyrs were heard.

The prophet said, "But no one mourns for HAMZIH." (THE MASTER OF MARTYRS)

SAAD _ IBN _ MAAZ who was a near companoin of the prophet from the group of HELPERS, heard that and ordered their women to go and mourn and lament for HAMZIH the faithful uncle of the prophet who was mutilated in the battle field of OHOD.

evidently this lamentation was NOT some thing speciallized to HAZRAT HAMZIH. It rather is a meanse of infusing new blood into the veins of Muslims.

Now it is ?SHOORA, Ioth MOHARRAM 1417 H.(1976) A

great emotion and enthusiasm is seen throughout the SHIITE WORLD. Children, teenagers, young and adult, man and woman have all worn black suits and attended the mourning ceremonies of the MARTYRS OF KARBALA. They are so strangely EXCITED and have changed minds that if they be invited to fight the enemies of Islam, they all will take arm and rush to the battlefield and do not avoid any thing of self sacrifices. It is just as if the blood of those martyrs flow in their veins, and that Imam and his companoins have been slain just now. They sing epic songs, and poems full of slogans against colonization, and oppression and in favour of proud and exalteds death over an abject life.

We hold this incident as a great moral capital that we have to observe it and keep it safe.

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