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Back You are here: Home Library Beliefs Our Beliefs Ch.6-Miscellaneous Subjects 66-Precautions in Religious Matters (Dissemblance)

66-Precautions in Religious Matters (Dissemblance)

WE BELIEVE that when a man lives among a group of fanatic, stubborn, and obstinate people; and if he reveals his ideas, he may fell in danger of losing his life, such a man has to hide his faith, not to lose his lilfe in vain. In our religious jurisprudence to this sort of precaution the term `TAGHIEH' has been given


.- OSUL KAAFI _ VOL.2 _ P.74

that can be translated to: (DISSEMBLANCE).

We extract this commandment from two verses in QUR?N. One of them is about the believer in PHARAOH'S court who was hiding his faith to Moses. QUR?N says:- has:_

"And a believer from among the PHARAOH'S people who was concealing his faith said, "Will you slay a man because he says" My LORD is Allah? when he has indeed come to you with clear signs:"

THE HOLY QUR?N _ S40: 28

Here, the phrase:_ `CONCEALING HIS FAITH' shows the believer's DISSEMBLANCE. Was it right for him to reveal his faith and get killed for that, without doing anything useful?

So also some of the first believers in Islam who lived under the cruel pressure of the heretics, were permitted to hide their belief and be cautious.

"The believers do not take for friends or helpers, in preference to the faithful. He who does this, has nothing to hope from Allah, except by way of PRECAUTIONS, so that you may GUARD yourselves

from them.


Therefore precautions such as concealing the belief is permitted, when a believer is in dager of losing his life or property for the sake of his belief. In such cases one should not endanger his life and power in vain. This is why we read in traditions that:_ "DISSEMBLANCE" is shield of a believer." That is to say: `Such precautions are the defesive weapons of the faithfuls.

The story of AMMAR YASIR, a near companion of the prophet, who pretended to have renounced Islam, is of a wide fame among all groups of Muslims.

For a soldier, to hide arms and even himself in the battle fields is something customary, and similar to the religious DISSMBLANCE.

Such precautions are decreed by wisdom as well as by religion which is observed by all Muslims and has nothing to do with SHIITE in particular. Strange enough that some have taken it as a SHIITE instruction, using it as an objection to us, while it is a

clear cut matter in QURAN and SONNAT.

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