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Back You are here: Home Library Beliefs Our Beliefs Ch.6-Miscellaneous Subjects 63-The Four Sources Of Our Religious Juris Prudence

63-The Four Sources Of Our Religious Juris Prudence

Our religious jurisprudence and researches are based on four sources:_

FIRST:_ QUR?N, the BOOK of Allah is the Main Source and the principle document of all the Islamic




SECOND:_ The prophet's Methodical way, the so called SONNAT, and also that of the Innocent Imams.

THIRD:_ Agreeing in opinion or determination, formed by UNANIMITY of all the juris prudents, and the learned, suposing to be COMPETENT to Imam's views.

FOURTH:_ It is the WISDOM, by which absolute reasons of the wisdom we intend, and not cojectures and surmises.

When the teacher of LAW believes on some thing to be done which is not found in the scripture or Sonnat, he cannot propose his ideas as a divine decree. So also grasps to analogies and conjecturs in relatoin to religious laws is not accepted by us.

But in cases where a man is quite sure of some thing, as we are all sure that theft, lying, betrayal and offence are bad and evil; here we can aceept that,. What is lawful by wisdom is also lawful by religioin scriptures and traditon, in all fields; such as economical, social, political, ethical and other matters. THAT makes us free of want to go here and there and

to do this way and that way by our fancies and conjectures, forming an openion without good means of knowledge or sufficient evidence.

As for some newly appeared problems we can also find general commandments in the book and sonnat, by which we need not to use our imaginations.

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