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Kinds Of Freedom


What kinds of freedom exist in Islam?


The kinds of freedom that exist in Islam are so numerous that it would be difficult to list them all.  We will, however, enumerate here ten of them since they cover in some way most of the other kinds.

1-Freedom of Trade:

Any person can trade with any commodity he wishes, except unlawful commodities such as alcoholic beverages and pork, whenever he wishes.  He can export goods to anywhere he wants and similarly import them without paying any customs dues and without any border restrictions.

2-Freedom of Agriculture:

This law permits any person to cultivate as much as he wants and over as much land as he wishes, with complete freedom and without any taxes or limitations for the hadith says, “The Earth belongs to God and to whoever utilizes it”.

3-Freedom of Industry:

A person can import or export, establish a factory or import and export factories of any kind and can manufacture things without any taxes, conditions or limitations.

4-The Freedom to Possess Common Resources:

Land, water and air all belong to God, and man is permitted to extract from them the resources they contain, be they fish from the sea, mineral deposits, treasures in the earth, woods of the forests, atoms in space and any other resources that have been placed in the universe. 

5-Freedom of Development:

Anyone can develop the land by building on it, constructing canals, digging wells, or any other beneficial enterprise on the basis of the principle mentioned above, “The Earth belongs to God and to whoever utilizes it”.

6-Freedom of Travel:

A person is free to travel to any place that he wishes without a visa, or the need to obtain permission, or the payment of any tax, and no one has the right to prevent him from travelling to such a place.  

Similarly, man is free to travel for as long as he likes, with no limitation on the period of travel for Islam does not believe in frontiers since the Earth belongs to God and man can travel in it how he wishes.

More than that, Islam has established a special account for travellers who cannot journey further because they have run out of money, and so forth, and this is to encourage people to travel.

7-Freedom of Residence:

Man is free to reside wherever he wishes without any conditions or limitations since passports, identity cards and the concept of nationality are entirely irrelevant in Islam and all people have a right to unrestricted freedom of movement.

8-Freedom of Speech:

Everyone has the right to say and disseminate what he wishes, without any restriction or condition being imposed upon him, except that what he says must not be forbidden in itself like abusive language, backbiting and slandering.

9-Freedom of Writing and Publishing: 

Anyone is free to write, print and publish and propagate whatever he wishes but on the condition that there is nothing in it which is forbidden in the Shari‘a, just as has been mentioned regarding freedom of speech.

10-Freedom to have Several Jobs at the Same Time:

If a man wants to do particular work different from the job or profession he is currently engaged in, this should not be disallowed, as is the case in certain countries where the law forbids pursuing two careers at the same time: being a government employee and also a merchant, for instance.


Did Muslims enjoy all this freedom before the collapse of Islamic governments?


Yes, Muslims and non-Muslims alike under Islamic rule enjoyed this freedom except for certain untypical periods when part of this freedom was suppressed due to tyranny and the like, not as the result of a law or decree.  However, suppression and the stifling of freedom actually being enshrined in laws ratified by governments, and tolls and dues being imposed upon liberty and freedom as if these were crimes, are all phenomena which did not exist except after the collapse of Islamic governments.

The West has now seized the leadership of the world and has brought a thousand restrictions and has perpetuated a thousand repressions.  What is truly amazing is that the West after all this, claims that she is the bestower of freedom upon humanity and the one who is releasing mankind from its fetters.  

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