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Back You are here: Home Library Islam What is Islam? Congregational Prayer (Salat al-Jama'a)

Congregational Prayer (Salat al-Jama'a)


What is meant by jama‘a?


This is congregational prayer. Islam encourages Muslims to offer together their five daily prayers in congregation behind an imam, on condition that he is just, which means that he must be someone sincere in his religion. Throughout the Islamic World from the time of the Prophet, who was the one to establish congregational prayers, until today Muslims have gathered early in the morning to pray together the dawn prayer, at noon for the noon and afternoon prayers and at sunset for the sunset and early evening prayers.

They usually gather in specific places, such as the shrines of the Imams and in mosques, and prayer behind one of the Muslims whom they know to lead a good and upright life and they perform their obligatory prayers doing what he does in the way of standing, sitting, bowing and prostrating.


What do we gain from praying together?


The benefits of congregational prayer are many and they include:-

1. Unifying the Muslims in a practical way:every day a Muslim with great responsibilities stands next to a subordinate, a white Muslim next to a black one, a rich Muslim next to a poor one and so on, all before the one Lord, no one being distinguishable from another. At these times all share similar sentiments. Class and other distinctions disappear and from this can come nothing but good.

2. Cooperation will occur when Muslims meet together, since everyone will get to know each other individually, friends will then help each other when help is needed and there will be general concern if someone is absent or going through difficult times.

3. Inculcating discipline in the hearts of those who are praying, for congregation is one of the best forms of discipline. If it becomes ingrained in the character of a Muslim he will be organized in all his doings.

4. Benefiting from homilies and guidance which are given to the congregation before the prayers or, as is usually the case, afterwards. Muslims in these congregations are made aware of the calamities that beset the Muslims throughout the world so as to get them to participate, not only with their hearts in the grief of those who have been afflicted, but also to participate by doing something practically. Therefore we notice that those who are in the habit of praying together are highly informed about religion and we also notice that, as a consequence of the sermons and homilies which are delivered on these occasions, those who pray congregational prayers are more upright and scrupulous than others in the various fields of life. The benefits accruing from praying in congregation continue to this day.


+1 #1 yuiikjcjkcnxyz ghu rai 2012-12-21 16:17
it was awesome due to the topic congregational prayers .
it is the best for the muslims to learn something about it

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