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What is the third fundamental from among the Islamic fundamental beliefs?


The third fundamental belief of Islam is resurrection: this means that after the destruction of the world, and after the death of everything alive, God Almighty will again bring people to life, so that He may give them the recompense for what they did in this life  - one who has believed and done good deeds, his recompense will be paradise, and as to one who did not believe or was disobedient, hell shall be his end.


Many people do not know the truth being either incapable of finding it out because their powers of understanding are weak, like the mentally deranged or the mentally retarded, or because they are far from the centres of religion and therefore, since they have little contact with the truth, have not heard about the true faith.  Are such people unbelievers and will therefore go to hell?


Not at all. No one will enter the fires of hell except those who have received clear knowledge about Islam, so the mentally deranged and those incapable of finding out the truth will be examined at the resurrection on the day of judgement.  Those who pass the test on that day will go to heaven but as to those who fail, their lot will be hell.  


If man dies does he stop functioning until the day of resurrection?


No, for when man dies his body decays but his spirit stays alive. If he is a believer and has done good deeds in this life he will be in a state of happiness after death.  However if he was an unbeliever and disobedient to God's commands, his spirit will undergo suffering.


What is the name of the world after this life, but before the day of resurrection?


Its name is “Barzakh”. In this way man, from the beginning to the end, encounters six worlds:

1.        The world prior to being human, for every man is first dust, then becomes plant or animal, and then when man eates of them his seed will be formed.

2.        The world of humanity, which starts with the implantation of the sperm in the mother’s womb until a human is born into this life.

3.        The physical world, in which we are at present and where we have obligations to perform.  It is how we carry out these duties and obligations that determines our future destiny.

4.        The world of Barzakh.

5.        The world of resurrection (day of recompense) the duration of which, according to the Qur’an, is fifty thousand years.

6.        The final world which will be paradise or hell.


Is there proof for the survival of the soul?


The survival of the soul has become a widespread subject for study and special courses have been drawn up in western countries and elsewhere. The book by Abu Madyan, and many other works that have been written about the soul and the spirit, the summoning up of souls, dreams and similar phenomena can be profitably referred to.

This is from the experimental and ocular point of view but from the philosophical and auditory angle there are numerous proofs for the survival of the soul and for the resurrection that have been set out in books of Islamic philosophy.

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