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Foreword by the Author

Foreword by the Author
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon Muhammad and his pure progeny and may God curse their enemies until the Day of Judgement.

In today’s world we see that materialism has rushed in from all sides and spurious values prevail in every quarter and peace of mind and tranquillity now barely exist.  Revolution and wars throughout the world have caused everyone to be apprehensive and people feel that they have been robbed of their security and sense of stability.  Many are beginning now to seek a way-out from this state of anxiety and alarm which would bring them contentment and inner peace and are looking for a cure to this all-pervasive disease and a way to rid themselves of mental and spiritual pain and disquiet.

For a long time I have been thinking that if people only lived according to Islam as it has been revealed by the God of the Universe, they would find therein a complete cure which would remove every anxiety and unease and quench this thirsting for inner serenity.  Islam is indeed a way of life, a religion of light, equanimity and peace, for the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an: “ …… when He calls you to that which gives you life” [8: 24] and speaks of those who follow “the light which has been sent down” [7: 157].  God Almighty also says:  “surely by remembering God, hearts find rest” [13: 28] and in another sura (chapter), “With it [the Qur’an] God guides whomsoever follows His pleasure into the ways of peace” [5: 16].  Moreover Islam can cope with all the problems of life and indeed the Almighty says “He [Prophet Muhammad] makes lawful for them the good things and makes unlawful for them things which are bad and rids them of their burden and the fetters that were upon them” [7: 157].

However large numbers of Muslims are not aware of these things (and so what must be the case with those who are not Muslims?) and therefore suffer all this distress just like someone who lives on top of treasure but does not realize it and is in a state of hunger, misery and nakedness.

Thus it is essential to introduce people to Islam and perhaps this will lead them to accept it which means happiness in this world and the reward of paradise, whose breadth is the heavens and the earth, in the hereafter.

This is what induced me to write this little book What is Islam? (ma-huwa ’l-Islam?) and since my aim was merely to introduce Islam I have been succinct and concise throughout so that it can be easily read by all.

I pray God Almighty that it will meet His pleasure and that He will make it a means through which people are guided, for He it is who grants success and upon Him do we call for help.

The holy city of Karbala’,


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