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What is fasting?


Fasting is keeping away from anything that will break the fast which is from the beginning of dawn until sunset.


How many different kinds of fasts are there?


Fasts are of four kinds:

1.        Compulsory fasts, such as the fast of the month of Ramadan.

2.        Recommended fasts such as the  fast of the month of Rajab[25].

3.        Disapproved fasts like fasting on the day of ‘Ashura[26].

4.        Forbidden fasts such as fasting on the Festival (‘Id) of al-Fitr and the Festival of al-Adha.[27]


How many days is it obligatory to fast in the month of Ramadan?


For a Muslim on whom it is incumbent to fast, he or she must fast for a complete month, that is the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the first month being al-Muharram.


What are the things to which you have alluded that will break the fast and so it is obligatory to abstain from them? 


They are 10 in number:-

1.        Eating.

2.        Drinking.

3.        Sexual Intercourse.

4.        Masturbation.

5.        Remaining in a state of ritual impurity until after the beginning of dawn.[28]

6.        Injection of a liquid.

7.        Enabling thick powder or dust to reach the throat.

8.        Dipping the head completely in water.

9.        Vomiting.

10.     To ascribe deliberately words or deeds which are false, to God, the Prophet or the 12 Imams.


If someone deliberately does not fast for a day, how can he requite himself?


The requital for such a person is threefold :

1.    After the month of Ramadan he must fast for a day, in lieu of that day.

2.  He must make an expiation which must be one of the following three things:

a.         He should fast for two months successively, without a break.

b.        He should feed 60 poor persons.

c.         He should procure freedom for a believing slave.

3[29].  The Muslim jurist will chastise him for committing this transgression.


+1 #1 Request for Grant of Khums as Loan on humenetrain grounds.Syed Salman Ali 2013-04-24 14:53
Dear Sir,

I am a Pakistani Nationalist and working in Government Department as low paid employee.

Sir/Madam, due to medical treatment of my wife & father I got some loan from the local bank of Karachi, but now I am not in position to return the same.

In this regard, it is therefore, I may kindly be granted some money from Khums as loan on humenetrain ground, please.

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