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Chapter 5

Chapter 5 

Is there any Parallel to The Miraculous Qur’an?



As The Holy Bible is the closest Scripture that people commonly compare with the Noble Qur'an, and because these two Books are considered as being of the same importance by some people, it might be appropriate briefly to compare the two Books to get an idea about their fundamental differences. This comparison is only superficial. It does not include any quotations from either one of these Books. It is meant to be a purely academic exercise, without the slightest prejudice.


First of all, any "book" must have a title, and it shall identify its author(s) so that people can gain confidence about what they expect to read, and whose voice the "book" represents. If someone is writing a book about, say, computers, the word "computer" must appear in that book at least once! Otherwise, it would be an irrelevant title, and could confuse people. In the case of the Holy Bible, for example, not only does the author remain unidentified, but also the title of the book, Bible, is not even mentioned one single time. To begin with, this lack of assurance compels the reader to assume that this is the word of Allah the Exalted, or of The Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH), or of others.

Unlike the Holy Bible, the Glorious Qur'an addresses Its title subject within the Book frequently. In fact, the word "Qur'an" appears 58 times in the Holy Qur'an. The count should increase when words other than "Qur'an" such as "The Book" or "al‑Furqan" (the Criterion ‑to distinguish between good and bad), dhikr (remembrance), Tanzil (gradual descending of wahy to humankind), etc., were added. This indicates how meaningful the title name "Qur'an" is, and how well it blends with the material explained in it.


Table 1 [1] is a brief comparison of the Holy Bible and the Miraculous Qur'an. One can easily see that the Holy Bible is composed of 66 books and missionary letters, "according to" various Prophets, Disciples, Saints, historians or other religious dignitaries, from memory. None of them are "according to" the rasuls of Almighty Allah, The Prophet Moses (PBUH) himself, or The Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH) himself.


The Glorious Qur'an is only one Book, in it, every word of Allah the Exalted is "according to" the rasul of Allah the Exalted, Muhammad (SA) himself. In the Islamic world, the Scripture that contains the sayings and traditions of Muhammad (SA), "according to" the Disciples and religious historians, is called a book of hadith (plural, ahadith), not the Qur'an Itself. Most ahadith were collected and published in the 4th Islamic century. Each hadith must clearly identify every individual who related a quotation, as well as the one who received it. This linkage of information transmittal by prominent figures must go all the way back to The Prophet (SA) himself. One of the most important criteria by which a wrong With can be distinguished is the very quality of linkage. A hadith is unaccept­able even if only one of the links of the chain is unrenowned. Therefore, to be perfectly correct, the Holy Bible should, at best, be compared with the books of ahadith, not with the Great Qur'an.


The New Testament in English is a translation of another translation of yet another translation. Even the best translator in the world has "limita­tions", as a human being, when it comes to interpreting a Divine Book, which originates from a source of "absolute" Knowledge. In the case of the Noble Qur'an, science, research, time, history, nature and analytical learn­ing have proved, again and again, that some of the multifarious words were indeed wrongly translated in the past. Even simultaneous translations differ from one person to another, sometimes significantly. One can envisage how much misrepresentation would have been entered into the Glorious Qur'an if the original Scripture in the original Arabic language had been unavailable for reference. The problem is that the Holy Bible is not avail­able in the original words for reference (an Old Testament in Hebrew and a New Testament in Aramaic). Consequently, there is an inherent super­imposed misrepresentation in this Book causing errors and contradictions. Some 50,000 errors and contradictions in the Holy Bible have been recorded by the Christians themselves, back in 1957. [2]


Books of the Old Testament were written years and centuries after the death of our great prophet Moses (PBUH); similarly, Books of the New Testament were written many years after the departure of our cherished prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH). Unlike these two Testaments, the single Book of the Final Testament (The Glorious Qur'an) was revealed, recited, fully memorised, written and distributed within the lifetime of The Prophet Muhammad (SA). This unique feature guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of this Book. Universally accepted "original" volumes of the Qur'an


exist for reference in the exact original language. Therefore, this collection of Divine Revelations is well preserved in its original exactness and purity. All of these features generate faith and interest in reading the Noble Qur'an without a shadow of a doubt about its authenticity and legitimacy. Almighty Allah says that The Qur'an will be saved until the end.


"We have, without doubt, sent down the Message and We will assuredly guard it (against corruption)." XV:9


Almighty Allah's pure wahy and holy Truth will never be eclipsed even though the enemies of Islam constantly mock it, and are determined to abate, disparage, and invalidate It; as they have attempted to do for over fourteen centuries.





Based on material from:

A) Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. (1974) William Benton, publisher Helen Hemingway Benton, publisher  ISBN 0‑85229‑290‑02, and

B) The Holy Bible, New International Version  International Bible Society  P.O. Box 62970, Colorado Springs, CO 80962‑2970, U.S.A., and C) Qisas‑i Qur'an (stories of the Qur'an) ‑ in Arabic and Farsi  Ninth edition, 1354 S.H.C. (1975) by Sadr ud‑Din Balaghi Amir Kabir publisher, Tehran, Iran pages 316‑319 and 346‑347 


[2] Awake! volume XXXVIII, number 17, September 8, 1957, p 25. Brooklyn, New York,



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