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Chapter 32-Thirty Second Assembly

Chapter 32 

Thirty Second Assembly

Met on Wednesday, the 18th of the month of Ramadhan in 409 Hijrah, from what we all heard. Our grand Sheikh al-Mufid, Muhammad b. Muhammad b. al-No'man, may Allah continuously support him narrated:

1. Piety

He said: Abul Qasim Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Qawlawayh reported to me from his father, who reported from Sa'd b. Abdillah, who reported from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from Yunus b. Abdul Rehman, from Kulaib b. Mua'waiyah al-Asadi, who said:

I heard Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, say: "By Allah, you ought to realize that you are following the religion of Allah and His angels; so help us to that end by being pious and by (strenuous) effort (to remain steadfast). It is your duty to always establish prayers and be worshipping. It is your duty to remain pious."

2. Safiyyah's question to the Prophet (SAW)

He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Khalid al-Maraghi reported to me from Abul Qasim al-Hasan b. Ali al-Kufi, who reported from Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Marwan, who reported from his father, who reported from Masih b. Muhammad, who reported from Abu Ali b. Abu Umrah al-Khurasani, from Ishaq b. Ibrahim from Abu Ishaq al-Sabiee', who said:

We called upon Masrooq b. al-Ajda and found a guest who we did not know. They were having their meals; and then the guest observed that he was with the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, at Hunayn. Just as he said that, we knew he was a companion of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny. He said:

Then Safiyyah, daughter of Hay b. Akhtab (one of the wives of the Prophet) came to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, and said: "O messenger of Allah, I am not like your other wives who have father, brother and uncle. If anything were to happen to you, to who do you entrust me?" The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, pointing at Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him said: "To him."

Then he said: "May I not relate to you what al-Harith b. al-A'awar narrated to us?" We said: "Please do." He said: I called upon Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him and his progeny, and he asked: "O A'awar, what brings you here?" A'awar says he replied: "O Amirul Mo'mineen, your love has brought us." He asked: "Really?" I said: "Yes, Allah is my witness." He confirmed with me three times. Then he said: "There is no slave of Allah who He has tested for piety, except that He finds our love in his heart; such a person indeed loves us. And there is no slave of Allah upon whom Allah has shown His displeasure, except that He finds our hatred in his heart, and such a person indeed hates us. So, our friends always expect the divine mercy, and the gates of mercy are open for them. And our enemies are upon the edge of crumbling bank that will tumble down with them in to the fire of hell. Bounteous is the mercy for the people who earn it, and perdition is for the people of hell fire."

3. The four riders on the day of Qiyamah

He said: Abu Ali al-Hasan b. Ali b. Fadhl al-Razi reported to me from Abul Hasan Ali b. Ahmad b. Bishr al-Askari, who reported from Abu Ishaq Muhammad b. Haroon b. Isa al-Hashimi, who reported from Abu Ishaq Ibrahim b. Mahdi al-Ibili, who reported from Ishaq b. Sulaiman al-Hashimi, who reported from his father, who reported from Haroon al-Rashid, who reported from his father al-Mahdi, who reported from al-Mansur Abu Ja'far Abdullah b. Muhammad b. Ali, from his father, from his grandfather Ali b. Abdillah b. al-Abbas, from Abdillah b. Abbas b. Abdul Muttalib, who said:

I heard the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny say: "Four of us will be the riders on the Day of Resurrection and none other." So someone asked: "My father and mother be your ransom, who are the riders?" He said: "I will be riding al-Buraq, and my brother Swaleh will be mounting the god-sent she-camel which was hamstrung by his people, and my daughter Fatimah will be on my bright she-camel, and Ali b. Abi Talib, who will ride one of the she-camels of Paradise, whose bridle will be of fresh pearls, whose eyes will of ruby, whose stomach will of green aquamarine; upon the camel will be cupola of translucent pearls, so that its exterior will be visible from within, and her interior will be seen from outside. Its exterior will be from the mercy of Allah, and its interior will be from His grace. She will be fast as she advances, and also as she retracts. He will be ahead of me.

There will be a crown of light on his head, a crown which will give light to all assembled. It will have seventy corners, each shining like a brilliant star in the heaven; and in his hands will be the praised standard, and he will set forth announcing: 'There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.' And he will pass among the angels, they will say: 'He must be from the sent Prophets.' And as he will pass by the Prophets, they will say: 'He must be an angel nearest to Allah.' And then it will be announced from inside the Throne: 'O people! He is neither an angel nearest to Allah, nor a sent Prophet, nor a carrier of the Throne. He is Ali b. Abi Talib.'

Then his Shiahs will follow, and it will be announced: 'Who are you?' They will say: 'We are the partisans of Ali.' The answer will come: 'O partisans of Ali, you are secure; enter the Paradise and be with those who you loved."

4. Prayers in times of need

He said: Abul Hasan Ahmad b. Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. al-Waleed reported to me from his father, from Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Ja'ffar, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from al-Rayyan b. al-Swalt who said:

I heard al-Ridha Ali b. Musa invoking a prayer, so I memorized it from him. And whenever I invoked it during hardship, Allah relieved me. It is:

"O Allah! You are my Trust in every distress,

and You are my Hope in every hardship;

And in all that befalls me, You are my Trust

and my Shelter;

How much of grief that weakens the heart,

and has but little way of escape,

and when the affairs lack any remedy,

When the near ones and the distant ones, and the

friends let me down, and the enemies taunt,

I came unto You and complained to You,

inclined to You beside all others,

And You dispelled the grief and relieved the affliction,

and became Sufficient for me,

So You are the Provider of all bounties, and the Source for

all needs, and the Final Refuge for every desire.

So, for You is abundant praise, and to You belongs the

plentiful favour. With Your blessings, all righteousness is

fulfilled. O One who is known for His Grace, and the

One praised for His Grace, bless me with the Grace

which would enable me to dispense with kindness from others,

I beseech Your mercy, O Most Merciful."

5. A Hyprocrite

He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Khalid al-Maraghi reported to me from Abul Qasim al-Hasan b. Ali, from Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Marwan, from his father who reported from Ahmad b. Isa, who reported from Muhammad b. Ja'far, from his father Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, from his forefathers, peace be upon them all, who said:

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Two traits never go together in a hypocrite: the (true) learning about Islam, and the distinct feature (of nobility) in the face."

May Allah bless our master Muhammad and his progeny.

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