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Chapter 19-Nineteenth Assembly

Chapter 19 

Nineteenth Assembly

Met on Saturday, 1st of Ramadhan in the year 407 Hijra, and attended by brother Abu Muhammad - may Allah keep him. The grand Sheikh al-Mufid, Abu Abdillah Muhammad b. Muhammad b. al-No'man - may Allah continue His beneficence upon him, narrated thus:

1. The two most firm bonds of faith

He said: Abul Hasan Ahmad b. Muhammad b. al-Walid reported to me from his father, from Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Saffar, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from al-Hasan b. Mahboob, from Malik b. Atiyya, from Saeed al-A'araj, that:

Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Sadiq, peace be upon him said: "Among the most firm bonds of faith is that you love for the sake of Allah, and hate for the sake of Allah. And you give away for the sake of Allah, and refuse to give for the sake of Allah."

2. Man is with him who he loves

He said: Abu Nasr Muhammad b. al-Husain al-Muqri, reported to me from Abu Abdillah al-Husain b. Muhammad al-Asadi, who reported from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Abdillah al-Alawi, who reported from Yahya b. Hashim al-Ghassani, who reported from Yahya b. Tha'labah al-Ansari, from Asim b. Abu al-Najood, from Zarr b. Hubaish from Abdullah b. Masood, who said:

Once, when we were with the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, on one of his journeys, a Bedouin shouted at us: "O Muhammad!" The Prophet said: "What do you want?" He said: "What about a person who has an affinity and love for a community, but does not follow their acts?" The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Man is with him who he loves."

Then he said: "O Muhammad, present to me al-Islam." He (i.e. the Prophet) said: "Testify that there is no god but Allah, and that I am His messenger. And establish the daily prayers, give alms (zakat), fast during the month of Ramadhan and come to the House of Allah for Hajj." He said: "O, Muhammad, do you take any reward for this?" He (i.e. the Prophet) said: "None, except the love for the nearest kins." He asked: "Do you mean my nearest kins or yours?" He (i.e. the Prophet) said: "My kins." He said: "Extend your hand so that I may give you my allegiance. There is no good in a person who does not love you and your kinsfolk."

3. "Ask me before you miss me. . ." Ali (AS)

He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Bilal al-Mahlabi reported to me from Ali b. Abdillah b. Asad al-Isfehani, who reported from Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi, who reported from al-Qannad, who reported from Ali b. Hashim, from his father, from Saeed b. al-Musayyib who said:

I heard Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, say: "There is no verse between the two covers of the Qur'an, except that I know for whom it was revealed and when it was revealed, and whether on a plain, levelled land or upon a mountain. Surely, here in my breast is abundant knowledge! So, put your questions to me before you do not find me among yourselves, for when you have lost me, you will not find anyone uttering the words I utter."



4. Disassociating in the matter of the wilayah of Ahlul Bait

He said: Abul Qasim Ja'far b. Muhammad - may Allah bless him with mercy, reported to me from his father, from Sa'd b. Abdillah, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from Muhammad b. Sinan, from Abdul Karim b. Amru and Ibrahim b. Rahah al-Basri, who both reported from Mayassar, who reported that:

Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him told him: "What do you say about a person who does not disobey in what Allah has enjoined and forbidden, but he disassociates with you and your friends in this matter (i.e. wilayah of Ahlul Bait)?" I said: "What can I say in your presence?" He said: "Say, for I command you to speak." I said: "He will be in hellfire."

Then he said: "O Mayassar, what do you say about a person who has faith similar to yours, and has committed sins normally committed by people, but he refrains from the major sins?" I said: "What can I say in your presence?" He said: "Say, for that is my order." I said: "He will be in Paradise."

He said: "Perhaps you are hesitating in saying that such a person will be in Paradise!" I said: "No"

He said: "Do not hesitate, for surely, Allah, Most High, says (in the Qur'an): 'If you avoid the heinous sins that are forbidden you, We will expiate your evil deeds and admit you in honourable manner.' (al-Nisa:V.31)"

5. "While I was worthiest of them all . . ." Ali (AS)

He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Muhammad al-Katib reported to me from al-Hasan b. Ali al-Zafarani, who reported from Abu Ishaq Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi, who reported from al-Masoodi, who reported from al-Hasan b. Hammad, from his father, who reported from Razin Bayya' al-Anmat, who said:

I heard Zaid b. Ali b. Husain, peace be upon him, narrating from his father who reported from his father who said: I heard Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him, addressing the people thus: "By Allah, people gave allegiance to Abu Bakr while I was worthiest of them all, together with the attire of mine. But I swallowed my anger, and waited for my Sustainer's will, keeping my chest low to the ground (i.e. adopting a low profile). Then Abu Bakr died, appointing Umar as his successor, though he knew that I was the worthiest of them all, together with this attire of mine. But I swallowed my anger and waited for my Sustainer's will. Then Umar died and made it an agenda for the consultative committee (al-Shura). He appointed me the sixth among the six members, like the share of the grandmother! And he said: 'Kill the dissenting minority;' and by this he meant no one but me. But I swallowed my fury, waited for my Sustainer's will and kept my chest low on the ground.

Then, the dissenting people did what they did after having sworn allegiance to me; and I had no alternative but either to fight against them or disobey Allah."

6. Ali's address as Ayesha prepares for Basrah

He said: Abul Qasim Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Qawlawyh - may Allah bless him with mercy, reported from his father, from Sa'd b. Abdillah, from Ahmad b. Alawiyyah, from Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi, who reported from Muhammad b. Amru al-Razi, who reported from al-Husain b. al-Mubarak, who reported from al-Hasan b. Salimah, who said:

When Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him, covered the trail of Talha, al-Zubair and Ayesha, from Makkah to al-Basrah, he announced a congregational prayer. When the people assembled, he praised Allah, and glorified His Name. Then he said: "Surely, when Allah, Most High, summoned back His Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, we said: 'We are the inmates of his household, his blood relatives, his heirs and his executors. We are the worthiest among the whole creation for his affairs, and we would not dispute his Truth and authority.' While we thought that way, a group of hypocrites rose to usurp our Prophet's authority from us and give it into the control of others.

By Allah, because of that, our eyes wept and our hearts lamented; and our throats choked with grief. And I swear by the name of Allah, had we not feared that the Muslims would be divided, taking them back to infidelity and apostasy, we would have done our best to change that situation. Those rulers were given the control of the affairs and when they passed on, Allah returned the affairs unto me. And among those who swore loyalty to me, these two men, Talha and al-Zubair also swore, but then they proceeded to al-Basrah to create a friction among your peoples and to bring upon you your misfortune. O Allah, punish them both for deceiving this Ummah, and for the evil intentions they nurse for the public."

Then Abul Haitham b. al-Tayyihan - may Allah bless him with mercy, stood up and said: "O Amirul Mo'mineen, the Quraish are jealous of you for two reasons: either their eminent members are jealous of you, competing for excellouce or wishing to have an elevated position; or the wicked ones who are jealous, and so Allah has made their deeds fail, and their burdens heavy. They were not happy to remain as your equals, as they chose to precede you; and thus, they missed their goal and fell off in the race. You were indeed worthier than any Quraish; you were the Prophet's assistant as long as he lived; and you settled all his liabilities after his death. By Allah, their insolence is against themselves! We are your helpers and supporters; so give us your orders". Then he recited the following couplets:

"The people have rebelled against you, plotted against you

and imputed against you ugly things,

But the fact is that you have no faults, not even equal to a

gnat's wing, nor equal to its tenth;

They saw you blessed with bounties from Allah,

and found you a brave master, crushing the horns of a butting ram;

They saw you a leader under whom all seek refuge,

and they found you a strong rein that tames a capricious horse!

They found you a governor, in whose authority Imamah is combined,

and a Hashamite who controls the wide valley of Makkah.

They are jealous of what has come to you from Allah!

And thereby have inflicted upon their own hearts deep wounds!

There are people there who are vessels of intense hatred

against the Truth, niggardly because of their wretchedness,

Some of them concealing it behind the veils,

others insistently displaying the enmity.

'O Successor of the Prophet, our relation with the Truth

is like the delight and joy at the break of dawn;

So punish the Aws and a clan from al-Khazraj

with the thrust of the spear in war, and with confrontation;

There is none among us who is not a helper

in the way Allah, on the path of guidance and success."

Then Amirul Mo'mineen prayed for his reward. After that, people stood up, each speaking the way Abul Haitham spoke.

7. Admonition from Ibliss

He said: Abul Qasim Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Qawlawyh - may Allah bless him with mercy, reported from Muhammad b. Ya'qoob al-Kulayni, from Ali b. Ibrahim, from Muhammad b. Isa al-Yaqtini, from Yunus b. Abdul Rahman, from Sa'daan b. Muslim, from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, who said:

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny said: "Once, when Musa b. Imran, peace be upon him, was seated, Iblis approached him, with a hooded cloak of motley colours. As he came nearer, he removed the cloak and greeted Musa. Musa said:" Who are you?" He said: "I am Iblis." Musa said: "May Allah not bring your abode closer (to anyone)! Why have you come?" He said: "I have come to greet you for the status that you have before Allah, Most High." So Musa said: "And what about this cloak?" He said: "With that, I hijack the hearts of the people!"

Then Musa asked him: "Tell me about the sin which when Adam's son commits it, you overpower him and get the better of him?" He said: "When he becomes conceited, and regards his good deeds as too many; and when his own sins seem small to him."

Then he told Musa: "I give you three advices: O Musa, never be alone with a stranger woman, or allow her to be with you in privacy, for either of you do not meet the other without me being in your company, without my other colleagues! And be careful when you give a covenant or pledge to Allah! (Fulfil it immediately). For whenever a man pledges a vow or a covenant with Allah, I intervene between him and its fulfillment - without my colleagues! And when you intend giving a charity, give it soon, for when a servant of Allah intends giving alms, I alone, without my colleagues, sit in between his intention and the charity, preventing it!"

Then Iblis turned away saying: "O, what a shame, what a grief! I have taught Musa (a secret) which he will impart to the sons of Adam!"

8. No good is too much, no evil too little

He said: Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b.al-Husain b. Babawayh - may Allah have mercy on him, reported from his father, from Ali b. Ibrahim, from Muhammad b. Isa b. Ubaid, from Uthman b. Isa from Sama'ah b. Mehran, who said:

I heard Abul Hasan Musa b. Ja'far, peace be upon him, say: "Do not regard your good deeds as too many, and do not consider your sins as too few. Surely, sometimes those little lapses gather together to become many. And be mindful (fearful) of Allah, Most High, in your privacy, so that you are granted to treat yourselves justly. And hasten towards obedience to Allah, and be truthful in your speech, and return the deposits held by you to the rightful owner. These traits are good for you; and do not get involved in things which are not legitimate for they will do you harm!"

9. When Allah wishes His servant well

He said: Abul Qasim Ja'far b. Muhammad - may Allah have mercy on him, reported to me from Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ya'qoob al-Kulayni - may Allah bless him with mercy, from al-Husain b. Muhammad, from Mu'alla b. Muhammad, from al-Husain b. Ali al-Washha', from Hammad b. Uthman, who reported from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, from his forefathers, peace be upon them, who said:

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "When Allah wishes well for a servant, He makes him learned in the Religion (i.e. Islam)."

And may Allah bless our master, Muhammad and his progeny.

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