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Back You are here: Home Library Invocation Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya (The Psalms of Islam) Sahifa al-Kamilah 39.His Supplication in Seeking Pardon

39.His Supplication in Seeking Pardon

His Supplication in Seeking Pardon and Mercy

1 O God,
bless Muhammad and his Household,
break my passion for every unlawful thing,
take away my craving for any sin,
and bar me from harming any believer, male or female,
and any Muslim, male or female!

2 O God,
if any of Thy servants should harm me in what Thou hast forbidden
or violate me in what Thou hast interdicted,
and if he should pass into death with my complaint
or I come to have a complaint against him while he is alive,
forgive him what he did to me
and pardon him that through which he turned his back on me!
Inquire not from him about what he committed toward me
and expose him not through what he earned by me!
Make my open-handedness in pardoning such servants
and my contribution in charity toward them
the purest charity of the charitable
and the highest gift of those seeking nearness to Thee!
3 Recompense me for my pardoning them with Thy pardon
and for my supplicating for them with Thy mercy
so that each one of us may gain felicity through Thy bounty
and each may attain deliverance through Thy kindness!
4 O God,
if there is a servant from among Thy servants whom
an ill visits on my account,
a harm touches from my direction,
or a wrong overtakes through me or because of me,
and should I fail to take care of his right
or go before him [in death] with his complaint,
bless Muhammad and his Household,
satisfy him toward me through Thy wealth,
and give him his full right from Thyself!
5 Then protect me from what Thy decision mandates
and save me from what Thy justice decides,
for my strength cannot bear Thy vengeance
and my obedience cannot stand up to Thy displeasure!
If Thou recompensest me with the right,
Thou wilt destroy me,
and if Thou dost not shield me in Thy mercy,
Thou wilt lay me waste.
6 O God,
I ask Thee to grant, my God,
that whose giving will not decrease Thee,
and I ask Thee to carry
that whose carrying will not weigh Thee down:
7 My God, I ask Thee to give my soul,
which Thou didst not create
to keep Thyself from evil
nor to find the way to profit.
No, Thou brought it forth
to demonstrate Thy power over its like
and to provide an argument against its similar.
8 I ask Thee to carry those of my sins
whose carrying weighs me down
and I seek help from Thee in
that whose heaviness oppresses me.
9 So bless Muhammad and his Household,
give to me my soul in spite of its wrongdoing,151
and appoint Thy mercy to carry my burden!
How many evildoers Thy mercy has overtaken!
How many wrongdoers Thy pardon has embraced!
10 So bless Muhammad and his Household
and make me the model of him whom Thou hast
aroused through Thy forbearance
from the deadly infirmities of the Senders
and saved through Thy giving success
from the tangled plights of the sinners,
so that I may rise up
freed by Thy pardon from the bonds of Thy displeasure
and released by Thy benefaction from the ties of Thy justice!
11 Surely if Thou dost that, my God,
Thou wilt do it to one who does not
deny deserving Thy punishment
or acquit himself from merit for Thy vengeance.
12 Do that, my God, for one
whose fear of Thee is greater
than his craving from Thee,
whose hopelessness of deliverance
is firmer than his hope for salvation!
Not that his hopelessness is despair,
nor that his expectation is deluded.
No, rather his good deeds are few
among his evil deeds
and his arguments are frail
in face of everything due from his acts.
13 But Thou, my God, art worthy that
the righteous not be deluded concerning Thee
and the sinners not lose hope in Thee,
for Thou art the All-mighty Lord who
holds back His bounty from none
and takes His full right from no one.
14 High exalted is Thy mention
above those mentioned!
Holy are Thy names
beyond those described!
Spread is Thy favour
among all creatures!
Thine is the praise for that,
O Lord of the worlds!

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