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A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims

List of articles in category A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims
Title Hits
Chapter 1-Introduction Hits: 2400
Title Hits: 2114
Chapter 7-The birth of Ali ibn Abi Talib Hits: 2060
Chapter 8-On the Eve of the Proclamation of His Mission Hits: 2061
Chapter 9-The Birth of Islam and the Proclamation by Muhammad of his Mission Hits: 2230
Chapter 10-Early Converts to Islam and their persecution Hits: 4605
Chapter 11-The Two Migrations of Muslims to Abyssinia (A.D. 615-616) Hits: 1689
Chapter 12-Hamza Accepts Islam - A.D. 615 Hits: 2964
Chapter 13-Umar's Conversion to Islam - A.D. 616 Hits: 3098
Chapter 14-The Economic and Social Boycott of the Banu Hashim (A.D. 616-619) Hits: 1795
Chapter 15-The Deaths of Khadija and Abu Talib - A.D. 619 Hits: 1816
Chapter 16-Muhammad's Visit to Ta'if Hits: 1900
Chapter 17-The New Horizons of Islam Hits: 1770
Chapter 18-The New Horizons of Islam Hits: 1715
Chapter 19-The First Year of Hijra Hits: 1709
Chapter 20-The Battles of Islam Hits: 1780
Chapter 21-The Second Year of the Hijra Hits: 1875
Chapter 22-The Battle of Badr Hits: 3132
Chapter 23-The Marriage of Fatima Zahra Hits: 3026
Chapter 24-The Battle of Uhud Hits: 5817
Chapter 26-The Battle of the Trench Hits: 1916
Chapter 27-The Muslims and the Jews Hits: 2913
Chapter 29-The Conquest of Khyber Hits: 2418
Chapter 30-The Battle of Mootah Hits: 2652
Chapter 31-The Campaign of Dhat es-Salasil Hits: 2408
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