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Imam Ali is he our role?

Imam Ali not only had intense spirituality and knowledge, but his spiritual growth and faith reflected his character through his actions.  He was, and still is, known for such great piety and humbleness.  We should not only take his knowledge and add it to the rest of our knowledge.  Rather, we should take it and apply it to our daily lives.  To show the extent of his character, let’s see how Imam Ali dressed, what material possessions he had, and how we can apply it to our thoughts and our effects.  Then we need to judge and ask ourselves about our actions.
If we look at our wardrobe do we see that it is according to the modern style, our favorite dress code, latest styles, fashion models, or is it brand names?  Or is it according to the Islamic dress code and modesty?  Unfortunately, dress codes have become the "style" of the time.  Our outfits are either "in" or "out".  Even some of the Islamic outfits these days could go for something more simplistic and modest like Imam Ali’s wardrobe.
Imam Ali dressed in such a manner that whenever he was around the rich and wealthy, they would feel grateful for what they had; but at the same time, realize what they had taken advantage of.  When he was around the poor, they felt comfortable in front of a holy person.
How about Imam Ali’s materialistic life?  He was known to have the few necessities of life.  Furthermore, the necessities he had were so humble, that one would think: "how did he survive?"  Yes, he survived and it increased his faith even more.  He was known to eat hard bread, unlike us, who can't go a week without eating any meat.  His home contained few items, which was only to get him and his family through their daily lives. What happened to the living we are to adopt from our Infallible Imam? In general, now we prefer the most comfortable couches, beds, carpets, and house settings. Of course we need all the house settings, but there is a limit to how materialistic we should get.  All the luxury can mislead us from carrying on an Islamic way of life for our families and us.
So by seeing the actions of Imam Ali we should take him as a role in his humble dress and material possession.

Reference: Almujtaba Islamic Articles Page

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