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Imam Ali (A.S) knew his followers from time when spirits were created

Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from ibn Mahbub from Salih ibn Sahl from abu ‘Abdullah (A.S) the following.
“A man came to The commander of the faithful (A.S) when he was in the company of his companions. The man offered greetings and said, “By Allah, I love you and acknowledge you’re Wilaya (Leadership with Divine Authority).” The commander of the faithful, Ali (A.S) said to him, “What you say is not true.” He said, “Yes, by Allah, I love you and acknowledge your Wilaya. He repeated it three times.” The commander of the faithful, Ali (A.S) said, “What you say is not true. You are not what you say you are. Allah created the spirits two thousand years before creating the bodies. He then presented to us those who love us. By Allah, I did not see your spirit among those presented to us. Where were you?” The man remained silent and did not talk back.”
In another tradition it is said that Abu Abdullah (A.S) said, “He was in the fire.”

Reference: Wilayat.net

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