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Imam Ali (A.S) and bravely defense


Ibn Athir says (Tarikh-i Kamil, vol. II, p 107): "The Prophet became the object of the attack of various units of the army of Quraysh from all sides. Ali attacked, in compliance with the Prophet's orders, every unit that made an attack upon him (the Prophet) and dispersed them or killed some of them, and this thing took place a number of times in Uhud. In the meantime the Archangel Gabriel came and praised the devotion of Ali before the Prophet and said: It is the height of sacrifice which this officer is displaying'. The Prophet confirmed the remark of Gabriel and said: I am from Ali and Ali is from me'. Then a voice was heard in the battlefield saying: “La Fata illa Ali wa La Saifa illa Zulfiqar” There is no brave man except Ali and There is no sword which renders service except Zulfiqar (which was in the hands of Ali).
Ibn Abil Hadid has given a more detailed account of this event and says: "Every one of the units which were trying to kill the Prophet consisted of fifty persons and although Ali was on foot he dispersed them all. Then he has given an account of the coming of Gabriel and says: "Besides the fact that this event is an admitted phenomenon from the viewpoint of history, I have read about the coming of Gabriel in Muhammad bin Ishaq's book entitled Kitabul Ghazawat and chanced to enquire one day about its authenticity from my teacher Abdul Wahhab Sakinah. He said: It is correct'. I then asked him: Why has this tradition not been mentioned by the compilers of the Sihah? (The six authentic books of Hadith amongst Ahle Sunnat). He replied: We have a number of authentic traditions which the compilers of the Sihah have neglected to insert in their books. (Ibn AbiI Hadid, Sharh-i Nahjul Balaghah, vol. XIV, p 251)
The message (The holy prophet of Allah)
By: Ayatullah Jafar Subhani

Reference: Imamali.net

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