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Ali-An-Wali-Allah in Hadees

وعن الصادق عليه السلام انه قال: الكلم الطيب قول المؤمن " لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي ولي الله وخليفة رسول الله

Imam Sadiq (as)  said, "Al Kalam Al Tayyeb is the saying of a Momin - There is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah and Successor of Prophet of Allah"

[Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 208]


تاج الملك، مكتوب عليه لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي ولي الله

The crown of Kingdom on the head of Prophet Muhammad (saww), it will be written on it - here is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah"

[Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 325]


و بهذا الإسناد، عن علي بن الحسن، عن جعفر الأموي، عن العباس ابن عبد الله، عن سعد بن طريف، عن الأصبغ بن نباتة، عن أبي مريم، عن سلمان، قال كنا جلوسا عند النبي )صلى الله عليه و آله( إذ أقبل علي بن أبي طالب )عليه السلام(، فناوله النبي )صلى الله عليه و آله( حصاة، فما استقرت الحصاة في كف علي )عليه السلام( حتى نطقت، و هي تقول لا إله إلا الله، محمد رسول الله، رضيت بالله ربا، و بمحمد نبيا، و بعلي بن أبي طالب وليا ثم قال النبي )صلى الله عليه و آله( من أصبح منكم راضيا بالله و بولاية علي بن أبي طالب، فقد أمن خوف الله و عقابه

The Knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jafar Al-Toosi narrated from his blessed father Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Hasan Al-Toosi, from Abu Muhammad Hasan bin Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Fahham, from Omar bin Yahya, from Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Sulaimaan bin Aasim, from Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Abdi, from Ali bin Hasan bin Jafar Al-Amawy, from Abbas bin Ubaidullah, from Saad bin Tareef, from Asbagh bin Nobatah from Abi Maryam from Salman who said:

We were sitting with Messenger of Allah (swt) when Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) entered. The Prophet (saww) gave Ali (as) a small stone.


When Ali (as) held the stone in his palm, the stone said, "There is no god but Allah (swt) and Muhammad (saww) is the Messenger of Allah (swt). I am pleased with Allah (swt) as Lord, with Muhammas as a Prophet, and with Ali as a Wali."

Then the Prophet (saww) said, "Those of you who are pleased with Allah as your Lord and with the Wilayat of Ali bin Abi Taleb are safe from Allah's punishment."

[Source: Al-Amali, Sheikh Toosi, Pg. 289]


حـدثـنـا الشيخ ابو جعفر محمد بن الحسن بن علي الطوسي (رحمه اللّه ), قال : اخبرنا احـمد بن محمد بن الصلت الاهوازي , قال : اخبرنا احمد بن محمدبن سعيد بن عبدالرحمن الحافظ, قـال : حـدثـنـي محمد بن عيسى بن هارون بن سلا م الضرير ابو بكر, قال : حدثنا محمد بن زكريا المكي , قال : حدثني كثير بن طارق , من ولد قنبر مولى علي بن ابي طالب (عليه السلام ), قال : حدثني زيـد بـن عـلـي (عـلـيـه الـسـلام ) فـي جارسوج كندة بالكوفة : ان اباه حدثه عن ابيه (عـلـيـهـمـمـاالـسـلام ), عـن ابـن عـباس , قال : اعطى رسول اللّه (صلى اللّه عليه و آله )عليا (عليه السلام ) خاتما فقال : يا علي , خذ هذا الخاتم للنقاش , لينقش عليه محمدبن عبداللّه , فاخذه امير الـمـؤمـنـيـن (عليه السلام ) فاعطاه النقاش , وقال له : انقش عليه محمد بن عبداللّه , فنقش النقاش , واخطات يده , فنقش عليه : محمد رسول اللّه ,فجا امير المؤمنين (عليه السلام ) فقال : ما فعل الخاتم ؟ فـقـال : هو ذا, فاخذه ونظر الى نقشه , فقال : ما امرتك بهذا, قال : صدقت , ولكن يدي اخطات , فجا به الـى رسول اللّه (صلى اللّه عليه و آله ), فقال : يا رسول اللّه , ما نقش النقاش ما امرت به , ذكر ان يده اخـطـات , فـاخـذه النبي (عليه السلام ) ونظر اليه , فقال : يا علي , انا محمد بن عبداللّه , وانا محمد رسول اللّه , وتختم به , فلما اصبح النبي (صلى اللّه عليه و آله ) نظرالى خاتمه , فاذا تحته منقوش : عـلـي ولي اللّه , فتعجب من ذلك النبي (عليه السلام )فجا جبرئيل , فقال : يا جبرئيل , كان كذا وكذا فقال : يا محمد, كتبت ما اردت , وكتبناما اردنا

Sheikh Toosi Narrates from his chain of narrators from Ibn Abbas who said:

The Prophet (saww) gave a ring to Imam Ali (as) and said, "O Ali, take this ring to the inscriber, to inscribe on it "Muhammad son of Abdullah".

Amir Al-Momineen took the ring and gave it to the inscriber and told him to inscribe on it "Muhammad son of Abdullah". The inscriber inscribed on it and and his hand made a mistake and inscribed on the stone "Muhammad the Messenger of Allah".

Amir Al-Momineen went to him (inscriber) and said, "What did u do to the stone?", He (the inscriber) said, "it is this".

Amir Al-Momineen took it and saw the inscription on it and said, "I did not command (ask) you for this". He (the inscriber) said, "You say the truth. but my hands made a mistake.

Then he [Imam Ali (as)] brought the stone to the Messenger of Allah (saww) and said, "O Messenger of Allah (saww), the inscriber did not inscribe what I had ordered him to, He (the inscriber) says that his hands made a mistake.

The Prophet (saww) took the stone and looked towards it and said, "O Ali (as), I am Muhammad son of Abdullah and I am Muhammad the Messenger of Allah" and it concluded with it.

When in the morning the Prophet (saww) looked towards the stone, inscribed beneath the stone was the inscription "Ali is the Wali of Allah" and the Prophet (saww) was amazed with this. Then Jibraeel came and the Prophet (saww) said, "O Jibraeel this was this and this." 

Jibraeel said, "O Muhammad, you wrote what you wanted to and we wrote what we wanted to.

[Source: Al-Amali, Sheikh Toosi, Pg. 705]


Source: Marefate AhleBait(as).com



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