
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Historical Event

Mutawakkil could hardly refrain from his antagonism to the Imam and he appointed spies to watch the Imam and his connections. But through all these attempts, his hope of creating some fabrication to prove the Imam`s activity against himself could not be realized. In the time of al - Mutawakkil there was a woman named Zaynab who claimed to be a decendant of Imam Husayn. al - Mutawakkil sought the confirmation of Zaynab`s claim from the Imam and said: 

``That as the beasts are prohibited to eat the flesh of the descendants of Imam Husayn he would throw Zaynab to the beasts and test her claim. `` 

On hearing this, Zaynab began to tremble and confessed that she was a fake. Al - Mutawakkil then ordered the Imam to be thrown to the beasts to test the claim. To his great surprise, he witnessed the beasts prostrating their heads before the Imam.


 Once al - Mutawakkil happened to suffer from a serious malady which was eventually declared incurable by his physicians. When the Imam was approached for some remedy, he prescribed an application which resulted in a spontaneous cure. Once al - Mutawakkil was informed that the Imam was preparing a revolt against him. Thereupon, he ordered a detachment of the army to launch a raid on the Imam`s residence. When the soldiers entered his house, they found him sitting on a mat, reciting the Holy Qur`an.


Source: Shia Studies Articles

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