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An event from Imam al-Hadi (AS)’s life

Mutawakkil, who was a deadly foe of Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) keeping antagonism for the Prophet (S)’s progeny (A.S.), himself had to ask Imam Ali bin Muhammad Al-Hadi (A.S.) when the Caesar of Rome wrote to Mutawakkil a letter asking him a question.
The Caesar of Rome wrote: “I have heard that there is a chapter of a divinely revealed book which does not contain the letters (t d k S X) and if this chapter is recited it grants the reciter paradise! I would like to know which chapter and in which book and why these letters are not present.”
Scholars of Mutawakkil were confused and eventually Mutawakkil turned to Imam (A.S.). Imam told him that the chapter was Surah Al-Fatihah in the Qur'an and the above letters were not present because it was a chapter of mercy and each of the above letters represents words of punishment or anger of Allah.
By: Faez Karimi
AlMujtaba Islamic Articles

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