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Imam Tortured by Abbasid Caliphs

After the death of al - Ma`mun, al - Mu`tasim succeeded him, and was later followed by the caliph al - Wathiq. In the first five years of the reign of al - Wathiq, Imam Ali al - Hadi (an - Naqi) lived peacefully. After al - Wathiq, al - Mutawakkil came to power. Being too occupied in State affairs, al - Mutawakkil did not get any time to harass the Imam and his followers for four years.

But as soon as he freed himself from State affairs, he started to molest the Imam. The Holy Imam devoted himself to the sacred mission of preaching in Medina and did thus earn the faith of the people as well as their allegiance and recognition of his great knowledge and attributes. This reputation of the Imam evored the jealousy and malice of al - Mutawakkil against him. 

The governor of Medina wrote to al - Mutawakkil that Imam `Ali al - Hadi had been manoeuvring a coup against the government and a multitude of Shi`ites were pledged to his support. Although enraged by this news al - Mutawakkil still preferred the diplomacy of not arresting the Holy Imam. Under the garb of pretended respect and love towards the Imam, he planned to put him under life imporisonment after inviting him to his palace. 

Prior to his imprisonment, in a series of correspondence with the Imam, he expressed the view that he was convinced of all the claims of the Imam and was ready to settle them amicably. He wrote to the Imam that having been acquainted with his great personality , his matchless knowledge and his peerless attributes , he was impatiently looking forward to the honour of seeing him , and he most cordially invited him to Samarra`.


Source: Shia Studies Articles


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