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Az-Zahra (SA) (The Splendid One)

Az-Zahra (SA) (The Splendid One)
As it was reported in v. 10 of Bihar al-Anwar, Ibn Abbas narrated that Allah's Messenger said:
"Surely my daughter Fatima is: The Mistress of all women from the beginning to the end. She is part of me, and the light of my eyes, She is the f lower of my heart, and is my soul, (Fatima) is a human huri, who whenever she stands in prayers in the presence of Her Lord (Exalted is His Name), her light illuminates the skies for the angels, like stars shine to people on Earth."
This narration clarifies the reason for which Fatima (A.S.) was given the name Zahra. There are other narrations, which mention that she had a bright and splendid face.
Lady Fatima (A.S.) had other titles and everyone of them reflected a virtue of noble trait which she enjoyed. Among those titles were: Al-Batoul, Al-Adhra (The Virgin), and
Al-Hania (The Affectionate one to her children).
Fatima's favorite title was "Umme Abiha" meaning her father's mother.
Taken from : Fatima (SA) The Gracious by Abu Muhammad Ordoni


#1 What About Al-Kawthar?Jaafar 2012-11-02 22:22
Surah 103. "IN the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful. We have granted you, Oh Mohammad, Al-Kawthar. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone. It's he who mocks you whose bloodline is cutoff." Al-Kawthar refers to Lady Fatima (PBUH), they used to mock prophet Mohammad for not fathering males, suggesting that his bloodline is cutoff. This Surah, however, maintained Prophet Mohammad's bloodline through Fatima that until today, our HOly Imams are lincked to Prophet Mohammad through Fatima, where we say Ali Bin Al-Hussein Bin Fatima Bint the Prophet. Thus, another name of Al-Sayyeda Al-zahraa is Al-Kawthar.

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