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Another recommended act in Mina is communion with God in the heart of nights and under the sky of Mina, a chance that might rarely occur in one's lifetime. Here is the warning of Imam Ali (a.s): عِبادِ اللهِ، الآنِ فاعْمَلوا والألْسُنُ مُطلَقَةٌ والأبدانُ صَحيحَةٌ والأَعضاءُ لَدِنةٌ والمُنقَلَبُ فَسيحٌ والمجَالُ عَريضٌ قَبلَ إرْهاقِ الفَوتِ وحُلولِ المَوتِ فَحَقِّقوا عَليكُم نُزولَهُ ولا تَنتَظِروا قُدومَهُ.

?O creatures of Allah, you should know now that you have to perform (good) acts, because (at present) your tongues are free, your bodies are healthy, your limbs have movement, the area of your coming is wide; before the loss of opportunity or the approach of death. Take death's approach as an accomplished fact and do not think it will come hereafter.?1
Imam Sadiq (a.s) used to go to the cemetery at night saying: يا أَهْلَ القُبُورِ، ما لي إذا دَعَوتُكُم لا تُجِيبونَ؟
?O you who are in graves, how is it that I call you but you do not answer??
1 See Nahjul Balagha; sermon 187

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Then the Imam (a.s) would say: حِيلَ واللهِ بينَهُم وبَينَ الجَوابِ، وكَأَنّي أكُونُ مِثلَهُم
?By Allah, there is a wall between them and answer making then unable to answer, I will be like them, too.?
Then, the Imam (a.s) would stand facing Kiblah and had communion with God until dawn.1
Here is another sermon of Imam Ali (a.s): تَجَهَّزوا رَحِمَكُمُ اللهُ، فَقدْ نُودِيَ فيكُم بالرَّحيلِ. وأَقِلّوا العُرجَةَ عَلى الدّنيا وانْقَلِبوا بِصالِحِ ما بِحَضْرَتِكُم مِن الزّادِ، فإنَّ أمامَكُم عَقَبَةً كَؤوداً ومَنَازِلَ مَخوفَةً مَهولَةً لا بُدَّ مِن الورودِ عَليها والوُقوفِ عِندَها. واعلَموا أنَّ مَلاحِظَ المَنِيَّةِ نحوَكُم دائِبَةٌ وكَأَنَّكُم بمَخالِبِها وقَدْ نَشَبَتْ فيكم وقَدْ دَهَمَتْكُم فيها مُقَطِّعاتُ الأُمورِ ومُعضِلاتُ المحَذور فَقَطِّعوا عَلائِقَ الدّنيا واستَظْهِروا بِزادِ التَّقوى.
?May Allah have mercy on you, provide yourselves for the journey because the call for departure has been announced. Regard your stay in the world as very short, and return (to Allah) with the best provision that is with you, because surely in front of you lies a valley, difficult to climb, and places of stay full of fear and dangers. You have to reach there and stay in them. And know that the eyes of death are approaching towards you. It is as though you are (already) in its talons and it has struck itself against you. Difficult affairs and distressing dangers have crushed you into it. You should therefore cut away all the attachments of this world and assist yourselves with the provision of Allah's fear.?2
The Holy Quran, too, recommends night communion with God: كَانُوا قَلِيلاً مِنَ اللَّيْلِ مَا يَهْجَعُونَ. وَبِالأَسْحَارِ هُمْ يَسْتَغْفِرُونَ.
?They used to sleep but little in the night and in the morning they asked forgiveness. (51:17-8)?
Therefore, pilgrims should rise up and have communion with God during these nights, which are replete with God's mercy. Mohammad ibn Sinan quotes Imam Reza (a.s) as saying:
1 See Collection of Waraam; vol. 1 p.284
2 See Nahjul Balagha; sermon 195

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... العِلَّةُ التي مِن أجْلِها سُمِّيَتْ مِنَى مِنَىً أنَّ جِبرائِيلَ عَليهِ السلامُ قالَ هَناكَ: يا إِبراهِيمُ، تَمَنَّ عَلى رَبِّكَ ما شِئْتَ.
?The reason Mina1 is called so is that in this place Angel Gabriel told Prophet Ibrahim: Desire what you wish from your Lord.?2
Pilgrims should prepare themselves here to be given the permission to move towards God's House.
It is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s), when was asked about the philosophy of the pilgrims' staying in al-Mash'ar and Mina before visiting God's house, said: لأنَّ الكَعبةَ بَيتُ اللهِ والحَرَمَ حِجابُهُ والمَشعَرَ بابُهُ، فَلمّا أنْ قَصَدَهُ الزّائِرونَ وَقَفَهُم بِالبابِ حتّى أَذِنَ لهُم بالدُّخولِ. ثمَّ وَقَفَهُم بِالحِجابِ الثّاني وَهوَ مُزْدَلِفَةُ، فَلمَّا نَظَرَ إلى طُولِ تَضَرُّعِهِم أَمَرَهُمْ بِتقْريبِ قُربانِهِم. فَلمَّا قَرَّبوا قُربانَهم وقَضَوا تَفَثَهُم وتَطَهَّروا مِن الذّنوبِ الّتي كَانتْ لهُم حِجاباً دونَهُ أَمَرَهُم بِالزِّيارَةِ عَلى طَهارَةٍ.
?This is because the Kaaba is Allah's House, the Sacred Mosque His veil, and al-Mash'ar His gate. When pilgrims intend to visit Allah's House, they are ordered to stop outside in order to be given permission to enter. There is the second veil, which is Muzdalifah, and pilgrims have to stop there. Since Allah has witnessed their supplication, He orders them to offer sacrifice. When they offer their sacrifices and are purified from filth and sins, which are veils between them and Allah, they are ordered to visit His sacred House.?
The Imam (a.s) also answered the one who asked why it is blameworthy to fast on days of Tashriq: لأَنَّ القَومَ زُوّارُ اللهِ وهُم أضْيافُهُ وفي ضِيافَتِهِ، ولا يَنبَغي لِلضَّيفِ أنْ يَصومَ عِندَ مَن زارَهُ وأَضافَهُ.
?Since all pilgrims are Allah's guests and attend His feast, the guest should not fast in the House of the Host Who has invited him to His banquet.?3
1 The Arabic 'mina' is very close to the Arabic 'muna' which means 'wish'.
2 See Ilal ush-Sharai'e; vol. 2 p. 120
3 See Ilal ush-Shara'ie; vol. 2 p.128

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