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وأَحسِنِ الصُّحبَةَ
?Keep good company.?2
Good temperament is recommended but during Hajj, it is more praiseworthy, for the journey is towards God and all pilgrims are God's guests. To honor the guests is to honor the host. Imam Sadiq (a.s) says: إنَّ الخُلُقَ الحَسَنَ يُميثُ الخَطيئَةَ كما تُميثُ الشّمسُ الجَليدَ ?Good temperament diminishes the sins in the same way as the sun thaws ice.?3
Having good temperament means not only to avoid nuisance to anyone but also to tolerate other people's bad behaviors and to serve them with respect. A pilgrim should be careful not to utter an indecent word. He should know that whatever he does is for the sake of God. Only then all hardships will be easy for him to tolerate.
1 See Safinatol-Bihar, Vol. 2
2 See Misbah ul-Shariah; chapter 21
3 See al-Mahajjatol Beizaa; vol. 3

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