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6. Halq or Taqseer (Shaving or Trimming)

6. Halq or Taqseer (Shaving or Trimming)

467. The sixth rite of the Hajj is shaving or trimming on the day of Eid in Mina, and that must be done after the Ram?y and the Had?y.  It is permitted to bring it forward before Had?y if there are grounds for confinement and hardship.

468. The halq consists of shaving the head entirely, and the taqseer is to trim some of the hair of the head or beard, or moustache, or trim some of the fingernails.
469. Using hair-cutting machine at fine scale qualifies for shaving.
470. A male [pilgrim] has the option between shaving or trimming, if the Hajj was his first, although shaving is preferred in general, especially on the first Hajj.
471. If one was an agent on behalf of someone else, the agent is obliged to the rulings that apply to himself, so for example, if the agent was on his second or more Hajj, he has the choice between shaving or trimming even if he was acting on behalf of someone for his first Hajj.
472. All of the above applies to male pilgrims, as for female pilgrims, they are obliged to trimming, and they are not obliged to shaving at all, and in fact it is forbidden for them to do so.  They should trim some of their hair or clip their fingernails as mentioned previously for the Umrah.
Nevertheless, it is permitted for women to perform the Ram?y on the Eve of the Eid, and then [followed by] the taqseer in Mina during the night, and then to go to Makkah to perform the two tawaaf?s and the sa?y, on the Eve of the Eid, and it is not mandatory for them to wait until the daylight.  Needless to say they are obliged to appoint an agent to slaughter the Had?y on the day of the Eid.
473. halq is waved for he who does not have hair on his head, and he is obliged to perform the taqseer or trimming, but as a recommended precaution, he should regardless apply the shaving razor or the fine hair cutting machine to his head too.

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