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Types of Hajj and The Method of Hajj al-tamattu and its Al‘Umrah

Types of Hajj and ‘Umrah

It has been mentioned that hajj has three types, hajj al-tamattu‘ (which is the duty of those whose home is at least 16 farsakhs (nearly 90 km) far from Mecca and both hajj al-qirān and hajj al-ifrād which are the duty of those who live in Mecca or outside it but within mentioned distance.

 hajj al-tamattu‘ differs from the other two in being a single worship composed of one ‘umrah and one hajjah, in which ‘umrah is performed first, followed by a separating period during which the person takes off his ihÌ£rām and is allowed to do some acts which are prohibited for the muhÌ£rim (the person who is in a state of ihÌ£rām). It is before putting on ihÌ£rām again for hajj. For this reason, it is called hajj al-tamattu‘. So ‘umrah is a part of hajj al-tamattu‘ and called ‘umrah of tamattu‘ and the Hajjah is the second part and both must be performed in the same year. This is different from hajj al-qirān or hajj al-ifrād because each worship consists of a hajjah only while ‘umrah is a separate worship called ‘umrah al-mufradah. Thus, ‘umrah al-mufradah could be performed in one year and hajj al-ifrād or al-qirān in another year. Both types of ‘umrah have common rules which will be mentioned before having a look at hajj al-tamattu‘, it is ‘umrah, hajj al-ifrād or al-qirān, their ‘umrah and the difference between them.

Here are some issues:
Issue 67. ‘Umrah like hajj is obligatory sometimes and is mustahÌ£abb other times.
Issue 68. In Islamic law, ‘umrah like hajj, is obligatory for the mustatÄ«‘ only once during his lifetime and the status of being mustatÄ«‘ for it is just like that in hajj. It is an obligation to e done right away, like hajj, and it is not a condition for its obligation to be able to do hajj as well, rather, being mustatÄ«‘ for it is sufficient. The reverse is also true i.e. if one becomes mustatÄ«‘ for hajj only, it becomes obligatory sparing ‘umrah. That is the case for those whose home is in Mecca or lesser than 16 farsakhs away from it, while those living further than that whose duty is hajj al-tamattu‘, they should be able to do both hajj and ‘umrah to become mustatÄ«‘ because both should be performed in the same year.
Issue 69. The mukallaf is not allowed to enter Mecca al-mukarramah without ihÌ£rām. So one who wants to enter it outside the time of hajj, he should put on do ihÌ£rām for ‘umrah al-mufradah. Two persons are excluded:
a. One whose work requires frequenting to Mecca,
b. One who gets out of Mecca after he had completed the practices of hajj al-tamattu‘ or ‘umrah al-mufradah, as he is allowed to return without ihÌ£rām within one month.
Issue 70. Like hajj, it is mustahÌ£abb to repeat ‘umrah and it is not a condition to separate them by a certain period, although, based on caution, a delay of one month in between is better if both ‘umrahs are for himself. If they are on behalf of two persons or one is for him and the other is not, separation would not be needed. Thus, if the second ‘umrah is on behalf of some body else, the agent is allowed to take the wage for it and it is valid in the place of the obligatory ‘umrah al-mufradah.

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