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Chapter Two: Hajj on behalf

Chapter Two: Hajj on behalf

Before introducing the conditions required for the pilgrim on behalf and the one who hired him we may mention some cases of hajj on behalf and to make a will concerning hajj and the related rules:
Issue 40. If hajj is fixed as obligatory for somebody but later due to old age, sickness or extraordinary hardship, he cannot perform it and he becomes hopeless of doing it, even in the following years, without extraordinary hardship, then he should hire someone to perform hajj on his behalf. While the person on whom hajj is fixed as obligatory, it is not obligatory for him to hire others.
Issue 41. When the pilgrim on behalf performs hajj, the excused hiring person would be free of the obligation of hajj, and he does not have to repeat hajj himself even if the excuse is removed later. However, if the excuse is removed during the agent's hajj, the one who hired him should repeat the hajj because the hajj of the agent would not be valid.
Issue 42. If one, for whom hajj is already fixed as obligatory, dies on the way, then if he dies after iḥrām and entering the Ḥaram, this hajj would be valid in the place of hajjah al-Islam. While if he dies before iḥrām, then it is not valid. For someone who dies after iḥrām but before entering the Ḥaram, it is based on obligatory caution that is it not valid.
Issue 43. One who dies with hajj already fixed in his debt and he did not leave

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