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Pigeons Curse the Killers of Imam ‪‎Hussain‬ (A.S)

Dawood ibn Farqad, who says that I was seated in the house of Imam Sadiq (A.S) when we saw a ‪‎pigeon‬ (called Zaghabi) humming.‬‬‬‬
Imam (A.S) turned towards me and asked,
“O Dawood! Do you know what this bird is saying?”
I replied in the negative. Imam (A.S) said,
“It curses the murderers of Imam Hussain (A.S), thus preserve such pigeons in your houses.”
[Ref: Nafasul Mahmoom, Section 2, Tradition no. 20]

Source: alhassanain.com

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