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The Hussein (A.S) Convoy Heading to Sham

When the letter of Bin Ziad reached Yazid Bin Muawiya, he read it and then replied by ordering him to send the head of Imam Hussein (A.S) and the heads of those who were killed with him, along with his women, children and belongings.
And when the people were done roving with the Holy Head, Bin Ziad gave it to Zuhr Bin Qaeis with the heads of his companions as well, and he sent him off to Yazid Bin Muawiya. He also sent with him Aba Baradah Bin Awf Al-Azdi and Tareq Bin Abi Thubian with a group of the people of Kufa till they reached Yazid in Damascus.
Thus, they took the captives of the Prophet's progeny from women and children on boney camels while the soldiers were surrounding them, if one of them would have a tear in his eyes, they would hit his head with a spear! They were wandered with from one place to another just like they would do with the captives from Rome or Daylam (non- Islamic countries). Ahead of them was the Master of Sajjadeen, Ali Bin Al-Hussein (A.S), while they had chains on his neck and hands; he was riding on a boney camel with no saddle.
It was narrated that Sayyeda Zeinab O said: «Thus, God knew what happened to us, as the best of us was killed, we were wandered by like animals, and we rode on the camel's back».
The people traveled with the head of Imam Hussein (A.S) and the captives, and when they got close to Damascus, Sayyeda Um Kalthoum approached Shamer and said: «I need to ask you something? »
So he said: «What do you need    ? »
She said: «If we are to enter the city, do take us from a way where only few people can see us, and ask them to take out the heads from between our rides and carry them away from us, as we are humiliated from all the looks we are getting while we are on this situation! »
So, the cursed man answered to her request by placing the heads that were on the spears in the middle of the women's rides and he went through the staring crowds while in their bad situation till they reached the gate of Damascus. They stopped on the stairs of the Gathering Mosque where captives usually stay.
Thus, the Hussein (A.S) convoy entered Damascus during day time while its people had hung the decorations everywhere happily and excitedly, at the time where their women were playing the tambourines as if it was their greatest festival (Eid).
It was narrated about Sahl Bin Saad Al-Saedy (the Prophet's (P.B.U.H&H.P) companion) that he had said: «I was going to Jerusalem and when I reached the Sham, I found myself in a city with long rivers and heavy trees, while its people had hung the decorations everywhere happily and excitedly, and their women were playing the drums and the tambourines, so I said to myself: maybe the people of Sham has a festival (Eid) that we are not aware of it! I saw some people talking among themselves, so I said:
Do you have a festival that we do not know? They said: O old man, we see that you are a stranger, I said: I am Sahl Bin Saad; I had seen the Messenger of Allah and narrated his Hadith (Sayings). So they said: O Sahel, it is a wonder that the sky does not rain blood, and the earth does not swallow its people! I said: why is that?
They said: this is the head of Hussein, the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P), it is being carried as a gift from Iraq to Sham and it is almost here. So I said: It is a wonder! As the head of Hussein is given as a gift and the people are pleased?!!

Source: Shia vault

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