
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm



The way is long
But he is young and strong


The road to Makkah
From Africa

Are many miles
But they will be crossed

with smiles they will be crossed
Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik

with cries
I come O' Master


I come O' Lord
On your chosen road

In the village
Relatives and friends gather of all age

To wish Haji well
To bid him farewell

The sister wept
The mother cried

Oh, My child
You are travelling through Jungles wild

Who will cook for you
Who will look after you

What if you lose way
What if you go astray

Smiles Haji brave
'Mother confidence have'
Said he, 'as I have'

In Allah - My God
My Master and My Lord

He created you and me
He will protect me

Gaze upon him all sad eyes
Safari starts and Haji cries

Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik
as he walked and walked
To himself he talked

Said the inner voice
There is but one choice

The way to Makkah
(even if it is) Far from Africa

I know not the road
I will carry my load

However painfully slow
I must go

In his voice strong and gay
This he spoke all the way

Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik
in the scorching sun
Haji goes on and on

On Safari to Makkah
Far from Africa

Clad in two pieces garment
And faith as his armament

Under the starry sky
Answering cry

Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik
in the sun and shade
Mighty river he made

He crossed the high mountain
With that strength and fountain

In the heart that lies
On and on he goes and cries

Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik call
days pass

The stars shine and moon

and night fall

Haji sleeps alone
On sand or stone

He prays in the desert
And says

Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik

he meets
Jingling bells sweet

Of camel caravan
Under the burning sun
they are his friends

On safari to Makkah
On the desert of Africa

With them he is not shy
They don't ask him why

They all have a common cry
Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik

Passed full moon five
The Haji is still alive

A little alim But he will go
Even it is slow slow

On his way to Makkah
Far from Africa

Silently he prays
he says
Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik

On evening about his cooking fire
Death he desire for Journey had him tire

Far from Africa
He goes to sleep
His eyes silently weep

Knows he not Right

under his feet
Lies holy land sweet

In his dream
He screams

Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik

When dawn broke
And muezzin spoke

He saw magnificent sight
Through the golden light

He was in Makkah
Not far from Ka'aba

With silent sighs, With silent sighs
Tears of pleasure flow from his eyes

He does not know what to say

So he bows down and prays
Labbaik Allahumma Labaik

I come O' Master

I come O' Lord
On your chosen road



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