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On the Way to Tabook

On the Way to Tabook

Many years passed.

The Muslims became one nation. They had a government. They gained victory over the atheists and the Jewish enemies. The Arab tribes entered Allah's religion in groups.

Our Master Muhammad [s] was Allah's Apostle for all men. So, he wanted Islam to cross the Arab Peninsula to spread all over the world.

Our Master Muhammad [s] announced Jihad and ordered Muslims to get ready for Tabook, in the northern part of the Arab Peninsula.


The Muslims were surprised to hear about the Prophet's announcement and his challenge to the greatest power in the world at that time.

The hypocrites said:

Hercules will defeat them with his enormous armies.

The hypocrites were always holding meeting in the house of the Jewish Suailim. They were always discouraging the Muslims from going to Tabook.

The Prophet [s] wanted to leave Madina. He knew that the hypocrites would stay there. So, he decided to appoint his cousin Ali bin Abu Talib [a], the hero of Islam, successor over Madina to foil the hypocrites' plots.

The hypocrites were displeased with Ali and so, they spread among the people:

The Prophet has appointed Ali to stay behind because he dislikes him.

To show the truth to people, Ali took his sword and followed the Prophet. He found him in an area called al-Juruf outside Madina. He told him about the hypocrites' words:

Allah's Apostle, the hypocrites claim that you've appointed me to stay back because you dislike me.

Our Master Muhammad [s] smiled and said:

The hypocrites have told you lies. I've appointed you successor to protect Madina from their cunning plots. Ali don't you accept to be my brother as Harun was Musa's brother, but there will be no prophet after me.

Ali answered:

Yes, I accept, Allah's Apostle.

Ali was pleased with the Prophet's words. So, he came back to Madina.


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