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The Attack of Abraha and Kaaba

In the year of the birth of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) the army of Najjashi came to attack the Holy Kaaba. It was led by the commander Abraha. The army consisted of elephants and possessed all the armaments of war. Abraha, proud of his large army and weapons was confident of success. But the creator of all causes weakened their efforts. When Allah willed all the human and animals in the army came to a standstill. However much they tried, the elephants refused to move towards the sacred house.
On the other hand `Ababeel' appeared on the horizon. Each of these birds carried three pebbles; one in the beak and one each in their claws. They surrounded the complete army and began to pelt them with pebbles. Each pebble fell on the head of the soldiers and pierced through their body to reach the ground and sank into it. Consequently the entire army perished, except one soldier. This soldier retreated to king Najjashi and related the episode in detail. This incident gained so much importance that the year began to be referred to as `Aamul Fiel', or the year of the Elephant. Thus the history of Arabs record the birth of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) to be in the year 1st Aamul Feel and the year of his declaration of Prophethood to be 40th Aamul Feel.
(Extract from the book "Greater Sins" by Shaheed DastGhaib)

Reference: Almujtaba Islamic Network

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