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Back You are here: Home Kids & Family Islamic Stories IMAM HASSAN ASKARI (A.S) AND FEAR OF ALLAH (S.W.T) IN HIS CHILDHOOD


The Ahlul Bayt (A.S) who carries the most wisdom and knowledge of the seen and unseen are they who most fear Allah (S.W.T) and pass their every second in life reflecting and pondering about the most important subjects.

It is written by the scholars that once our 11th Imam, Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) who was still a child was standing between some other children who were playing and having fun. Suddenly a lover of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S) was passing by. But he was trapped with this scene that all the children were playing but a beautiful child was standing alone crying. He decided to approach this child to ask what was wrong, maybe he could help him. He said: “My dear, are you crying because you don’t have the toys other children have. If you like I can bring some toys to you.” Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) replied: “Do you think I’m crying for the toys. We are not created to play with toys and have fun but to worship Allah (S.W.T) and seek for knowledge. This lover of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S) asked him that how he was sure about that and the young Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) answered: Have you not read the verse of the Noble Qur’an which guides us saying:

“What! Did you then think that We had created you in vain and that you shall not be returned to Us?” (Noble Qur’an 23:115)

This lover of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S) was impressed with the answer and said: “But why are you so troubled in such a young age. You have not committed any sins. Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) replied: “Age does not matter. I watch my mother every day when she set fire to the large twigs she uses the small first. I am afraid that may not the young children of this world be used to light the fire of Hell.” Allahu Akbar, the Holy Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) who is an infallible personality and a Hujjat of Allah (S.W.T) reflects so deeply, this answer was only a lesson to His followers to ponder over. This capturing story of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) is a great learning lesson for us all.



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