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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words 7- Sura Al-'A'raf Verse19


(19) وَ يا آدَمُ اسْكُنْ أَنْتَ وَ زَوْجُكَ الْجَنَّةَ فَكُلا مِنْ حَيْثُ شِئْتُما وَ لا تَقْرَبا هذِهِ الشَّجَرَةَ

فَتَكُونا مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ

19. " And O' Adam ! dwell you and your spouse in the Garden, and eat you two from wherever you two desire, but do not approach this tree lest you will be of the unjust."

Commentary :
The statement of the verse is told Adam (a.s.) saying that he and his wife would dwell in the Garden and that it was permissible for them to eat whatever and wherever they desired, but they should not approach that tree in order to eat from it, because they would deprive themselves from a great reward.
A detailed commentary upon this holy verse was offered under the description of Sura Al-Baqarah, No. 2, verse 35.(1)
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(1) The Light of the Holy Qur'an, Part 1, PP. 150-155.


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