
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Eternal Words 6-Sura Al-'An'am Verse113


(113) وَ لِتَصْغى‏ إِلَيْهِ أَفْئِدَةُ الَّذِينَ لا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْ‏آخِرَةِ وَ لِيَرْضَوْهُ وَ لِيَقْتَرِفُوا ما هُمْ مُقْتَرِفُونَ

113. " And (the result of those Satanic inspirations is) so that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter, may incline to it, and that they may be well-pleased with it (the flashy words) , and that they may commit (the evil) they were committing."

Commentary :
The consequence of the charming suggestions and deceitful preaches of the satans is recited in this verse, as follows :
" And (the result of those Satanic inspirations is) so that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter, may incline to it, ..."
Then, it adds that the end of this inclination will be a complete consent to the Satanic deeds. Here is the verse :
"... and that they may be well-pleased with it (the flashy words), ..."
Therefore, the end of them all, in this world, will be committing kinds of sins, indecencies, and vices, and, consequently, they will be involved with the result of the same corruptous people who had been before them in the history of the world.
"... and that they may commit (the evil) they were committing."
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