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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words 6-Sura Al-'An'am Verse62


(62) ثُمَّ رُدُّوا إِلَى اللَّهِ مَوْلاهُمُ الْحَقِّ أَلا لَهُ الْحُكْمُ وَ هُوَ أَسْرَعُ الْحاسِبِينَ

62. " Then they are returned unto Allah, their Maula (Master), the Real One. Beware ! His (alone) is the Judgment (on that Day), and He is the swiftest of reckoners."

Commentary :
After that (death), people are taken toward the divine Judgement and Allah's reward. The Lord is their owner, their master and the guardian of their affairs. He (s.w.t.) is the Judge, Who does not judge but in truth.
On That Day, the command is only His command, not that of other than His.
Allah will reckon all human-kind in a short time and neither of the accounts hinders Him to reckon those of others.
Imam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Ali (a.s.) once was asked when Allah is not seen, then how He reckons people. He (a.s.) answered them: " In the same way that He gives them sustenance and they do not see Him." (1)
This very subject is an evidence to the fact that reckoning one person does not detain Him from reckoning others.
Again, it is an evidence to prove that He communicates without talking a word, otherwise it is impossible that all people be reckoned at the same time.
However, the return of all is unto Him, and He is the only Judge in the Hereafter.
And the real master is the One in Whose authority is creation, guardianship, sleep and wakefulness, death and raising up, judgement and reckoning, and He is the Lord.
The verse says:
" Then they are returned unto Allah, their Maula (Master), the Real One. Beware ! His (alone) is the Judgment (on that Day), and He is the swiftest of reckoners."
By the way, the fright from Hereafter is the fear from our own offences and Allah is both the guardian, the rightful, and the bestower of mercy and virtue.
Concerning reckoning and judgement on that Day, there is a tradition from the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) who has said: " The more a person tortures people in this world, the heavier than everybody's chastisement his punishment will be on the Day Judgement." (2)
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(1) Majma'-ul-Bayan, Vol. 3, P. 313 (Arabic version)
(2) Nahaj-ul-Fisahah, p. 59, and Kanzul-'Ummal, vol. 3, p. 500


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