
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


(88) وَ كُلُوا مِمَّا رَزَقَكُمُ اللَّهُ حَلالاً طَيِّباً وَ اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي أَنْتُمْ بِهِ مُؤْمِنُونَ

88. " And eat from the lawful and good things which Allah has provided for you; and be in awe of Allah Whom you have Faith in."

Commentary :
In the previous verse, the words were about the prohibition of unlawful things, while in this verse it has enjoined people to lawfully enjoying the merits of Allah. It says :
" And eat from the lawful and good things which Allah has provided for you;
The only condition in this course is that you should avoid opposing the command of Allah in Whom you believe.
"... and be in awe of Allah whom you have Faith in."
That is, your faith to Allah requires that you respect all his commandments both in enjoying the merits of Allah and observing moderation and piety.
The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said : " It is obligatory for every Muslim believer, man or woman, to gain lawful things."(1)
Again, the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said : " Worship consists of seventy parts, the best of which is seeking the lawful material." (2)
Also, the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said: " Seeking for lawful sustenance is the same as holy struggle in the way of Allah".(3)
The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said : " Next to the obligatory prayers, seeking for lawful (sustenance) is necessary and compulsory." (4)
The holy Prophet said : " gaining income through a lawful way, is the most exalted deed."(5)
* * * *

(1)Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 100, p. 9
(2) Safinat-ul-Bihar, word /halala/, p. 298
(3) Kanz-ul-`Ummal, vol. 1, p. 6
(4) Kanz-ul-`Ummal, vol. 4, p. 5
(5) Kanz-ul-`Ummal, vol. 4, p. 4


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