
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


(112) وَمَن يَكْسِبْ خَطِيئَةً أَوْ إِثْمًا ثُمَّ يَرْمِ بِهِ بَرِيئًا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلَ بُهْتَانًا وَإِثْمًا مُّبِينًا

112. " And whoever commits a fault or a sin, then accuses of it an innocent, he indeed burdens (himself) with the calumny and a manifest sin."
This verse has pointed out to the importance of committing the sin of calumny upon some innocent people. It says:
" And whoever commits a fault or a sin, then accuses of it an innocent, he indeed burdens (himself) with the calumny and a manifest sin."

Calumny is a Crime:
To denigrate an innocent is one of the most disgraceful actions that Islam has seriously condemned.
It has been narrated from the Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h.) who said: " The one who slander a believing man or woman, or says something about them which is not in him (her), on the Day of Resurrection Allah sets the one on a heap of fire until he (she) comes out (of the responsibility) of what the one has said."(1)
In deed, making current this unjust manner as a custom in a society causes to disturb the order and probity of that society, to pollute the truth unto untruth, the innocent be involved into difficulty and the sinner be saved, and the common confidence be vanished.

(1) Safinat-ul-Bihar, vol. 1, p. 111.


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