
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


In the Name of Allah,the Beneficent,the Merciful
Sura Zilzal
(The Quaking)
No. 99 (8 Verses)
Contents of the Sura:
Opinions are divided as to whether this Sura was revealed in Mecca or Medina. It is generally referred to as being of the early Medinan period, by some Commentators, while some others believe that it can be of the late Meccan period. The style of its verses, which are about Resurrection and the preliminary signs of its occurence, appears to be like the Meccan Suras, but there is a tradition which says that when this Sura was revealed, Abu-Sa'id-Khedri asked the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) a question about the following verse: "So, whoever has done an atom's weight of good shall behold it", and we know that Abu-Sa'id joined the Muslims in Medina. (1)
In any case, whether it is Meccan or Medinan, it does not change the meaning and the commentary of the Sura.
This Sura mainly pivots on three points: First, it speaks about the preliminary signs of the appearance of the Hereafter, and then, it tells us about the Earth as a witness to all of Man's deeds.
In the third part, people are divided into two groups; good and evil, each of which will receive the fruit of their own actions.
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The Virtue In studying this Sura:
There are some expressive meanings in the Islamic reports on the virtue of reciting this Sura. For instance, a tradition from the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) says: "He who recites it (Sura Zilzal), it is the same as if he had recited Sura Baqarah, his reward is as much as the one who would have recited one fourth of the Qur'an. (2)
Another tradition from Imam Sadiq (p.b.u.h.) says: "Be never tired of reciting it (Sura Zilzal), because everyone who recites it in his optional prayers will never be involved in an earthquake and he will not die by it, nor should he be hurt by lightning or any worldly pests until he dies". (3)
(1) Ruh-al-Ma'ani, vol. 30, p. 208.
(2) Majma'-al-Bayan. vol. 10. p. 524.
(3) Usul-Kafi as narrated in Nur-uth-Thaqalayn, Vol. 5, P. 347.


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