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In the Name of Allah,the Beneficent,the Merciful
Sura Bayyinah
(The Clear Evidence)
No. 98 (8 Verses)
Contents of the Sura:
The contents of the Sura attests to the fact that it was revealed in Medina, because, the People (Jews and Christians) of the Book (The Scripture) are repeatedly talked about, and we know that at the time of revelation the communication between the Muslims and the People of the Book occured mostly in Medina.
Furthermore, the words of the Sura are both about prayers and alms. It is true that the duty of paying the alms-tax was issued in Mecca, but the act of spreading this idea with the necessary formalities, was extended in Medina.
In any case, this Sura refers to the universal message of our holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) in the same line of prophecy that the Jews and Christians received their scriptures. They should have prepared themselves for the Advent of the greatest and last of the prophets, but when the awaited Prophet, whom they were waiting for, came with clear signs and evidences, they rejected him, because they were not really searching for truth; they only followed their own desires to gain worldly profits.

By the way, this Sura shows the fact that the doctrine of the prophets such as Faith, monotheism, prayers and fasting are eternal and unchangeable principles in all Divine religions.
In another part of the Sura the different reactions of the pagans and the People of the Book, regarding the invitation to Islam, are referred to, saying that those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of all creatures, and those who disbelieve and refuse to worship Him are certainly the worst of all creatures.
The most popular titles of this Sura are: 'Bayyinah','Lam Yakun' and 'Ghayyimah' ; titles which come from the text, itself.
The Virtue in Studying Sura Bayyinah:
On the virtue in reciting this Sura, there is a tradition from the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) who has said: "If people knew how blessful this Sura is (Bayyinah), they would leave their property and family to learn it.".
Someone from the 'Khaza'ih' people asked: "O Messenger of Allah! what is the reward for reciting it?"
He answered: "Neither a hypocrite nor those in whose hearts contain doubt about Allah recite it. By Allah, the near-stationed angels have been reciting it from the time the heavens and the earth were created and do not languish in its recitation. There will be no servant who recites it at night but that Allah sends angels who protect him in his Faith and his present life and that seek forgiveness and mercy for him; and when on the day he recites it, he will be rewarded as much as what the day sheds light upon and what the night darkness." (1)
(1) Majma'-al-Bayan, vol. 10, p. 521.

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