
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


In the Name of Allah,the Beneficent,the Merciful
Sura Fajr
(Break of Dawn)
No.89 (30 Verses)
Contents of the Sura:
This Sura, like many other Meccan Suras, contains short, meaningful, awakening verses with abundant warnings.
There are several oaths mentioned in the first part of the Sura that have no precedent and are primarily for warning the transgressors about the divine punishment.
Another part of this Sura points to some of the ancient rebellious nations, such as the 'Ad and Thamood people; and also to Pharaoh, the transgressor, and the divine punishment that destroyed them, which is a lesson for all arrogant powers so that they may take careful account of their situation.

In the next part of the Sura, which relates to the previous parts, Man's trial is mentioned and his neglect, in doing good deeds, is very sharply criticized.
In the last part of the Sura the discussion is about the Hereafter and the fate of the sinners and unbelievers, and presents a contrast in regard to the great rewards that the believers will receive; those whose souls are at rest.
The Virtue of Studying Sura Fajr:
Regarding the virtue of studying this Sura, a tradition from the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) says: "Allah forgives the mistakes of whoever recites Sura Fajr on the `Ten Nights; (i.e., the first ten nights of Zul-Hajj), and it will become a light on Dooms Day for the one who recites it at other times (of the year)". (1)
Also, a tradition from Imam Sadiq says: "Recite Sura Fajr, which is Hosain-ibn-AIi's Sura, in your prayers, whether they be obligatory or optional. He who recites it will be with him (Hosain-ibn-Ali) at the same place in Heaven on the Day of Judgement". (2)
Introducing this Sura as Hosain-ibn-Ali's Sura may.be for the reason that the clear example of the 'serene soul', menitioned at the end of the Sura, is Hosain-ibn-AIi (p.b.u.h.), as the idea has also been cited from Imam Sadiq (p.b.u.h.) abot't the same verses.
Or, perhaps, it is for the same reason that one of the commentaries about the 'Ten Nights'means the first ten nights of Muharram, (the first month of the Muslim new year), which is closely relevant to Hosain-ibn-Ali (p.b.u.h.).
At any rate, these great rewards and outstanding merits are for the ones who recite the Sura as a preparation for their own self-improvement and self-perfection.
(1) Majma'-al-Bayan, vol. 10, p. 481.
(2) Ibid.

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