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My Road to Islam

My Road to Islam

In the Name of God the Most Merciful

My road to Islam started when I made the decision about thirty years ago to find this Kingdom of God that Jesus told us to seek.  I struggled with the idea of a Sovereign God that was in control of everything.  During my life I kept coming to the idea that in order to find this Kingdom I must do what Jesus told the rich young man to do, sell everything I have and seek it. 
I would do as this young man did and walk away sad because I was quite wealthy.  I found out later that this same sentiment is echoed in the Quran, that if we wish to prove God, then discard all our support systems and depend entirely on Him.

As God would have it, I kept being faced with major life decisions that lead me to the street, and depending upon God Alone.  It was here that God sent his Angels to me and demonstrated His Power and Authority, as He always has in the past by informing me of future events that would come true.

It wasn't long before He sent help for my wife and I and soon we were back under a roof, and had the security of the Knowledge that it was God who was ordering the events and that we would be okay.

Before long we were given a Quran, and isolated from all those who might influence our thinking, and for nearly two years we studied this Quran, and had God Alone as our Teacher.

It was the most difficult thing I ever did to give into the truth that Jesus was not God, and did not die for my sins.  But the relief was very welcome that human sacrifice is not in God's plan.

Today, Janet and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Quran are the literal Words of our Creator, and that God is indeed in control.  That the Kingdom of God is real, present and available to all who sincerely seek to live in it.

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