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Love For Allah

A love for Allah and a chance to find and marry my soulmate!


Asalam U Alaykom,

Now for starters I don't have an amazing story!  Just one I would like to share with you all.

Well it started in my teenage years, 9th grade I was sitting in Design class with my best friend at the time.  I saw this girl with Hijob and then it hit me, I told my friend one day I will cover like her.
My friend looked at me as if I was nuts!   She said "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT"?  I said I don't know I just feel it.  We never discussed that again.  After that I met the person who was Muslim and he showed me about Islam (a little) he wasn't really religious though.  We were a couple for about 5 years.  First love you would say.

Things got really bad, and I remember it was a clear night sky you could see all the stars and the bright full moon.  I was crying to Allah  asking him to help me and take me out of this situation.  Soon after that I met this other gentlemen; he was working for the man I was dating.  When I saw him, its was as if there was a white glow about him, calm, pious, respectful.  I didn't think much of it. 

Then he invited me to go to a local mosque with him.  The first time ever I went to a mosque.  For about 1 year we did that, every Friday we went to the mosque.  That was so spiritually uplifting.

Through this period the relationship I was in was deteriorating, and my eman was sky rocketing.  So eventually we ended things.  My friendship with this other gentlemen was growing.  We were best friends.  Absolutely no physical connection what so ever.  Totally spiritual!

I didn't realize that he was having feelings for me as I tried to find him a wife on several occasions.  Then as his feelings were growing, the other man came back and wanted to work things out!?!  Ok so here was my cross road.  I saw two roads that I could go down, the first one not so good at all.  He was abusive, physically and mentally, and not religious at all.  His family hated me because I was not Arab.  Then the second road, this wonderful religious man, never raised his voice to me, calm, God fearing, he would be a great father.

Needless to say we had to elope, due to the circumstances. So I made my choice road number 2  love The best choice I ever made.  He taught me the Shahaada, he taught me how to pray, and he taught me so many things.  Did I mention he is a Sayeed!  So 14 years later we have 3 beautiful children, 2 girls and a boy.

So I always go back to the night I prayed to Allah  as a non Muslim, and SubhanAllah the blessings that came after.  Allah  is always listening to our Duas.

So that’s my story and I am sticking to it.

I hope I didn't boar you all.

Allah Maak,

Sis. Umm Jibraeil

P.S. I know I have found my soul mate!  Alhumdulilah

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