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The Movement of the Lady Ma'sooma from Al-Madeena towards Maro

The Movement of the Lady Ma'sooma from Al-Madeena towards Maro


A year passed after Imam Ar-Ridha left to “a.s.” Maro, while the prophet’s family were still in Al-Madeena, being deprived of their dearest person with whose nearness they were feeling kindness and bless. Thus they had got nothing which might soothe their thirst save viewing their infallible Imam “a.s.”. The lady Fatima Al-Ma'sooma “a.s.”, like her brothers and sisters, had to bear patiently, while her longing for her brother Ar-Ridha “a.s.” increased day by day.
Imam “a.s.” wrote to her aletter during these days and he “a.s.” sent this letter by the way of one of his servants to Al-Madeena Al-Munowara and he ordered him not to stop in the middle of the way in order to reach the letter for her as possible as he could. Likewise he told him about his father’s house where his sister Masoma lived so as not to ask anyone about Imam Kadhum’s house.

The delegate of Imam ‘a.s.” arrived to Holy Madeena, and handed the letter to the lady Al-Ma'sooma “a.s.” according to the command of Imam Ar-Ridha “a.s.”; and although we have not got any information about the contents of the letter, but, however, it increased the flame of yearing in his family members and relatives. Consequentily  the lady Ma'sooma and some of Imam’s brothers and nephews decided to leave for Maro so as to catch up with Imam. Very quickly the provisions of journey were supplied and the caravan became ready to move. And after they took water and some provisions, they left Madeena for Maro.

Fatima was with her five brothers in this journey. They were: Fadhl, Jafar, Haadi, Kaasim, and Zaid, with some of Masoma’s nephews and several servants and bond maids.
The loving caravan of Imam Ridhas “a.s.” moved towards Maro without stopping but for the necessary purposes,. like the prayer time, or getting rest or for the meal times; hence they left back the hills and deserts of Al-Hijaaz becoming faraway from the Messenger’s Town, day by day.

The trave - through Al-Hijaaz deserts was difficult so that even the camels became weak and could not move ahead; so how about travellers who had to go to Maro yet the glimpse of hope, and the meeting of Imam “a.s.” were illuminating in the hearts of caravan members and encouraged them to go on through the sands and storms of the desert, Within those days, the danger of the robbers, and high way robbers was threatening every traveller causing many troubles. whenever they attacked a caravan, no one would have a hope in surviving the journey. The least they act is to plunder the money, jewelleries and riding animals.

And in most cases they kill the members of a caravan so as to steal their possesions. The lady al-Ma'sooma “a.s.” and her escorts trusted in Allah the Sublime “s.w.”, and went on their journey, and day by day, they were approaching to wards their destination.
Days and nights passed and the caravan seeking Imam Ar-Ridha “a.s.” were covering Hijaz desert a and short distance remained for them to reach the land of Iran.

The troubles of travel bothered the lady Al-Ma'sooma Fatima “a.s.” seriousely. And although passing this difficult road was laborious on such a young lady, but she was ready to endure the multiple of these troubles, because of her great desire and longing for visiting her brother.

The bright face of Imam Ar-Ridha “a.s.” was always visualized for the Lady Al-Ma'soom Fatima “a.s.” throughout her journey, while she remembered the days that she spen in Al-Madeena; she was seeing that her eyes would be happy when she meets him, so she was very happy.
The serious division of this journey finished, and finally the caravan arrived the Iranian regions, but this caravan had to pass all the towns and villages one by one throughout this journey.

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